I Am Afraid Poem by Deluke Muwanigwa

I Am Afraid

Rating: 5.0

I am afraid 2.0

I thank God two of us met
I never knew my life could be so set
In a way that revolves around you
This beautiful feeling is totally new
You are in my mind
Every second every minute every hour i find
My heart sings with heavenly joy
I am definitely your man your boy

All my life people i met left
Some died some left in spite some kept
Their end of their bargain but life happened
Many things prevailed and hardened
I been left alone many times
Through no fault of mine
So here i am i have you
I am afraid you will leave too

I am afraid
Though i ve met a lover a friend
I am afraid any time now any time
We will have to part
You, going with the pieces of my heart

Monday, October 5, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: hopelessness
The only sure thing is death and the pesky taxes....matters of the heart are an uncertain certainty.
Anjandev Roy 06 October 2020

Brilliant representation......thank u, dear poet.........anjandev roy.

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Varsha M 05 October 2020

thank God two of us met I never knew my life could be so set....if you thank that means you believe, positive begin am afraid any time now any time We will have to part You, going with the pieces of my heart......and the closing full of doubt Yes inexpensive do cause doubt but self efficacy is enough to overrule and compel you to achieve..... Beautiful reflection of emotions. Thank-you sir.

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Darren Jkoeryo 05 October 2020

Awesome.... I am afraid Though i ve met a lover a friend I am afraid any time now any time We will have to part You, going with the pieces of my heart

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