My Poems Poem by Deluke Muwanigwa

My Poems

Rating: 5.0

My Poems.

Most of my me time is taken up by poetry
An observer sees me typing on my cellphone
Assumes i am having a quiet moment
And, fortunately, mostly reserve their comments
I am not alone
Even at home
I am at work
With words

I am talking with many words
All aloof
Trying to make them line up correctly
Speak to me correctly
And this is easier conceived than done
Let alone said than done

I am seldom happy with words talking back at me
Not the kind of talking back which gives positive feedback
The kind that tells you the words are on strike
Refusing, not in so many words, to do what you like
After a few lines you realise words are not your only problem
You African wannabe poet of limited vocabulary
The syntax, grammar, spelling and most tellingly the prosody
They are just not there, it's not fair

Fortunately my hard Shona type psychic does not accept defeat
I sit there during my me time
Without a dictionary
Sans thesaurus
And joust with the Queen's language until it happens
I feel a tingling sensation in my eyes
And then i know somehow my words evoke an emotion
I know someone out there will feel some of what i feel

What i feel is real
And i hope it comes out in the verses
Adjectives and adverbs
Images and metaphors
Crude poetic devices
The rhyming or lack thereof
Of my poems
And the way they are arranged


David Wood 13 February 2022

You are a really good poet Deluke. I always enjoy reading yr poems. I have to use my laptop to write as my iPhone produces too many typos!

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MAHTAB BANGALEE 14 February 2022

Poetry is the true foundation of knowledge and your poem is the true foundation of thyself

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Chinedu Dike 14 February 2022

Deep and insightful crafted is this poem of yours. A highly relatable experience is aptly portrayed in the piece. A wonderful work of art. Remain enriched.

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Nabakishore Dash 15 February 2022

Well written poem.

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Ruta Mohapatra 14 February 2022

Enjoyed reading this, Deluke! We all go through this struggle while creating a poem.

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Deluke Muwanigwa 14 February 2022

Thank you my fellow poets.Maam Geeta RM thank you for the wam welcome

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Dr. M. Asim Nehal 14 February 2022

A boxer is always a boxer, I mean a fighter.... Welcome back bro..

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 14 February 2022

Deluke, happy to see your poem after a while. All poets go through these emotions. Well written poem....10

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