I Don’t Like Christmas Poem by David Harris

I Don’t Like Christmas

Rating: 5.0

I don’t like Christmas
may seem an odd statement
especially for me.
Someone who tries to write
about it with pretty poetry.
Christmas used to be a lot of fun you see,
but not anymore.
What changed it happened many years before.
It was a sad time
that affected us all,
it was when near that day
my granddaughter was taken away
to heaven and ever since then
Christmas is a sad time to me.
When I look at children
with smiles on their faces,
I think of how old
my granddaughter would have been.
Therefore, you see why
I say I don’t like Christmas
with all its cheerful spirits,
especially when we take flowers
to put on that lonely grave each year.

JoAnn McGrath 13 December 2007

I know the feeling David but it was a very special niece for me...My daughter looks so much like her at the same age....and my son like the nieces brother....like twins...I often look at my daughter and wonder if that small four year that past on would be just as beautiful if not more that my own daughter...it is such a shame to see the young pass with so much life ahead of them...but they are Gods special angels that watch over us...hugs lil sis

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Lynda Robson 13 December 2007

David, this is so sad. Sorry about your loss, sometimes Christmas can be a time of sadness for a lot of people for different reasons, love Lynda xx

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Sweetheart. You have never mentioned this before. Words fail me so big cyber-hugs is all I can do. Til the next lot of real hugs! t x

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Tom J. Mariani 13 December 2007

Sorry for your loss. All else is ineffable. Tom

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... ... 13 December 2007

Holy God! ! ! I'm really sorry for that loss. Many people find christmas as a day of joy, but for many people like you who loss a person so dear it really explain your reason. It's hard to loose a person, especially that day. I won't celebrate christmas this year since I lost my dad recently. Applause by this work!

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David Harris

David Harris

Bradfield, England
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