I Don'T Want You Anymore Poem by Magic What'sHerName

I Don'T Want You Anymore

Rating: 4.8

It got so close that I forgot
That you were so not
What I’ve been looking for
I don’t want you anymore
You weren’t the one for me
But it wasn’t like he
Could have not gotten in the way
When were you going to tell me you were gay?
I don’t know what else to do
I was falling for you
But you don’t even like girls like me
None at all can’t you see
How that will affect us
Its not me because
I wasn’t the one who was cheating
On some dude repeating
This over and over again, please
Can’t you go without a scene? Leave
It’s not like we can ever mend
We won’t ever be just friends
I can’t live like this
Pretending that damn kiss
Meant nothing to me
It’s time for you to leave me
Don’t come back
So just go and pack
Up your things and go home
Its time for you to roam
Away from me and forget me
Please just leave me
I’ll be fine once I pick up the pieces
With your two faces haunting me, damn faces
Won’t leave me alone. Please just go
There’s nothing I would want to know
So please don’t try to explain
Just let me go insane
All by myself with no one there
Why did you say you love me when you don’t care?

Cole Baker 04 June 2009

That was Beautiful! im impressed!

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