Kidnapped (True Story) Poem by Crimson Love

Kidnapped (True Story)

Rating: 5.0

I walk home from my beloved school like every child does,
I skip the steps in which my music sings,
So young so free,
So careless, so foolish,
I'm alone, I see a van, Thinking nothing,
all of a sudden my skips are numbered, I'm falling Nothing to be remebered,
I wake in the presece of a wood, Unknown to me....
Disoriented Distraught, hoping life has not been caught,
Looking for something familiar, I'm bound, my arms cannot move,
I look around, and man comes ontop of me, I'm struggling and screaming,
Why isn't anyone helping me?
He puts his gun to my temple, Tells me
' No one helps the Unimportant, Close your mouth or I'll close it for you.'
I lie there silent, bound by fear, Not wanting to end a childhood of so little years,
The man gets up, walks to his van, Loosens his belt, I know whats next.
I slowly embark upwards, and start to run, The man see and chases me,
I forget the gun, All I can do is run,
He shoots, he scores,
The Bullet grazing my heart, ripping me apart,
I hold the wound, and try to run,
The man is far behind, but I can't stop,
I find a road, then I collapse,

I wake in the light of a hospital room,
Still feeling the bullet that Ended my life,
I died for fourteen minutes,
The best fourteen minutes of my life,
Touching death, having it hold me,
Lost in an illusion of a god whom doesn't exist,
My Skeleton butterfly Whisping the air, whispering death to me,
To be so close to the death, forever in there presence,
even as I go to bed,
Death follows me like I have something it wants,
It's always there for me to touch and console,
Helping both mine and their tragic souls.

Rouge Stallion 25 September 2011

wow...very well done.

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Crimson Love

Crimson Love

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