Legendary Performance Poem by Richard Wlodarski

Legendary Performance

Rating: 5.0

In the wee hours of the morning he gently kisses her
He caresses her smooth but old and tired body
The long-time lovers are making love in public
People old and young are somewhat astonished
But the two are so intimate they don't notice
He stops for a moment of rest
She is eternally grateful
He holds her tightly as he smokes
Admiring her graceful lines
He reflects on his eternity with her
Doesn't have even one moment of regret
The old lovers resume their dance with time
And the crowd now shows a new-found respect
He fondles her nude body touching her hot buttons
And she's quick to respond like she has never before
She has lit his fire and he is now passionately kissing her all over
In the heat of the moment the crowd stand up and wildly roar and applaud
Modestly Bob Mover thanks them and continues making love...to his sax

Thursday, December 8, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love,romance
Jim McGill 18 January 2023

I love the ending. Thank you.

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Richard Wlodarski 21 January 2023

THX so much, Jim. I need to write a few more poems with surprise endings. They're a lot of fun! Appreciate you adding this one to your favourites!

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Kim Barney 05 November 2017

Great surprise ending! Well done, Richard!

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Richard Wlodarski 09 November 2017

Thank you very much, Kim!

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Pamela Sinicrope 16 December 2016

Hi Richard, I enjoyed this poem about music. Well done! Thanks for sharing. I am not familiar with Bob Mover, but I am familiar with nightime jazz performances with sax. Take care.

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Richard Wlodarski 09 November 2017

Pamela, I'm happy that you enjoyed the poem. And thank you so much for believing that it was well done!

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