Like Bees Poem by DEDAN ONYANGO

Like Bees

Rating: 4.3

Bees are known for their sweet honey,
Bees are known for their poisonous sting.
Bees are known for their diligence.
When flowers dry
When flowers die,
Bees lack one of their fine ingredients- nectar,
But they buzz around to seek other environments,
And in their swarm they assist mother- nature
Pollination takes place.
Another Nation sprouts,
Painting the surface with colours of beauty
Sweet scent engulfs the surface.
Bringing echoes of a new beginning in the universe.

Bees are hardworking,
Like a football team they look for the ball together,
Like soldiers they guard their Queen together,
With a sting that sends a grown man into a childish cry.
Bees never lie,
When sent to find nectar they obediently go,
And submissive the worker bees are,
To their Queen they listen.

Do bees have a language?
But why do they seem to understand each other
Painting another tragedy upon the human race,
Like birds the human race fly in pace,
Do bees know each other by their faces?
Do they have a tribe to subscribe to when they feel threatened
To be erased?

If bees had names,
If they did have villages,
Will they feel ashamed?
Will they seclude each other in the making of honey?
Will a bee called, Kamau, be judged from the village it comes
Or praised for its entrepreneurial prowess?
Its ability to make honey taste flaunt less.

Will a bee called Hassan be fired just because it subscribed to other values?
No! Bees are not like me and you,
Bees are just bees!
So why the grudge?
Why the hate?
Why the animosity between us?
I ask why the name calling and blame game
Do bees blame one another when they miss a flower with nectar?
Or do they just look for another alternative from the creator
Why the negativity?
Like bees we should be…

If bees face booked,
Will they spit words dented with hate?
Or will they scribble words to better their colony
If bees whatsupped,
Will they send derogative images to each other?
To laugh and point out their folly to the world
But not bees!
They Cannot access the net.
But we do,
Why not use it constructively
To avoid destruction of our social fabric
Like bees
We should be on the lookout for beautiful flowers,
We should be on the lookout for cohesive ideas
And not divisive egocentrism
Less uphold egalitarianism.

Like bees,
Empowerment to the younger bees is paramount,
Younger bees need not to be honey seekers
But creators.
Show them the way
Let them buzz to their destination,
For this Nation needs bees who can fly on their own.
And that bee is me and you!


Creative and compelling comparisons in this composition of yours my friend!

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Charity Nduhiu 16 July 2015

Nail on the head Dedan. I imagine if we had one queen being served by Hassan, Kamau and others, would we get any honey at all? I totally agree with you Dedan. Thank you for this.

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Phanice Wamukota 12 July 2015

Awesome piece! Lets buzz off.............

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Bharati Nayak 04 July 2015

Bees are hard working, have strong social values and collectively engaged in the beautiful work of identifying flowers and collecting honey.We should learn a great deal from these little insects for building strong society.Very well written poem.Thanks for sharing.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -10/10

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Kelly Kurt 02 July 2015

A very fanciful, metaphorical piece, Mtemi. Thanks for sharing. Peace

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