Limerick: Hank Beuning's Obituary Poem by Kim Barney

Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit

Limerick: Hank Beuning's Obituary

Rating: 5.0

Hank's obituary is too silly
(it was written by a hillbilly)
so let's get his brother
to write him another
and be serious, and not willy-nilly.

Limerick: Hank Beuning's Obituary
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: friend,friends
One of Hank's poems is member poem of the day today, called THANK YOU POEM HUNTER.

On another poem of Hank's, called OBITUARY, Bri Edwards left a comment, and this was my response to his comment.

26 March 2019

Very nice limerick, and full of humor. The new version of PH no longer shows the time that the comments were left. I remember that the old version did show the time.

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Nancy Chambers 27 March 2019

Nice tribute to a friend. Bet he would have liked it

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Kim Barney 27 March 2019

He did like it, Nancy! He commented on it three hours before you did, rated it a ten, and added it to his favorite poem list. Thanks for the comment!

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Darwin Henry Beuning 27 March 2019

Kim, very funny, The picture was taken at my brother Dave's home in Minnesota. I rate a 10 and have added it to My Poem List.

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Kim Barney 27 March 2019

Thanks, Hank. I didn't mean to mislead people into thinking you were dead, but apparently that's what happened! (See the comment of Nancy Chambers above.) Hey, Everyone! Go to Hank's home page and read his poem OBITUARY (and the comments) and it will explain everything! (Just click on his name above: Darwin Henry Beuning.)

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Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit
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