Lion Vs Tiger Poem by Rini Shibu

Lion Vs Tiger

Rating: 4.2

Who is bigger and
who is stronger
The argument went on
and both had a clash
They leaped and jumped
Scratched and smashed
It was hard to believe what all saw
The lion was under the tiger's paw

Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: strength
Robert Murray Smith 25 April 2018

Rini, a wonderful philosophical poem.+++10 Robert

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Susan Williams 25 April 2018

Twas the size of the fight in each opponent! ! ! I like how you handled this write- it had a breezy conversational style to it and one could seek out different levels of meaning

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 25 April 2018

Lions are basically sexy and relax mostly the BIGNESS makes one feel scared TIGRESS if one has a hubby or wife just let me know so I will tell u more tigress is protective sharp and scary plenty of stamina too unlike a lion who only knows how to woo... phew every two minutes a respite to his woman...who gets him a bone so as to be ready with his... now you know Lion's a big one

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Kumarmani Mahakul 04 May 2018

A beautiful philosophical poem through tiger and loin has been presented astutely. Thank u dear Rini for sharing this.10

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Edward Kofi Louis 02 May 2018

Serenity! ! Two strong animals! With the romance of nature. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Akhtar Jawad 28 April 2018

The age of valor and chivalry has passed, this is the age of techniques. No wonder on the victory of Tiger. A poem apparently funny but meaningful in the true sense.

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Lamar Cole 26 April 2018

Great poem. The tiger should beat the lion every time if the tiger is healthy and not sick.

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Kostas Lagos 26 April 2018

I express my full support to the lion and my opposition to the last line of this exceptional poem!

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