M A R C H 2018 …….Showcase For, And Often " By ", P H Members…......[ Poems Collected From Willing And (Sometimes)un-Willing Poets; For Your Reading Enjoyment ] Poem by Bri Edwards

M A R C H 2018 …….Showcase For, And Often " By ", P H Members…......[ Poems Collected From Willing And (Sometimes)un-Willing Poets; For Your Reading Enjoyment ]

February's showcase is "put to bed", aka finished, for your reading enjoyment.
Now I'll start gathering poems for March.It shall be my next poetic employment.

I am starting one whole month ahead as my computer time may be curtailed ….
for several weeks in the near future.I don't wish it to be said: "Bri FAILED, ….
to supply us READERS with such entertainment, joy, surprise, and elucidation GRAND."
To have me accused of failure would be something I think I, Bri, just could not stand! ! !

And to save ME, and perhaps YOU, time, I'll not list instructions FOR my/our showcases.
If you have questions, ask in a message or refer to February.Now, ‘off to the poetic races'**! !

NOTE WELL: Though I'm tough on poets who have misspellings and other grammar gaffes****,
in MARCH I'll copy and paste poems as I find them.Perhaps we'll have some laughs? ! ! !
Don't misunderstand me.Bri Edwards makes his own gaffes from time to time; it's TRUE.
But I WON'T 'correct'/change any poems this month.This month I'll leave it up to YOU!

(January ….26 ….2018)

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** "off to the races"... (idiomatic) In or into a process of energetic engagement in some activity; in or into a phase of conspicuously increasing satisfaction or success."

**** gaffe: "an unintentional act or remark causing embarrassment to its originator; a blunder.
synonyms: blunder, mistake, error, slip, faux pas, indiscretion, impropriety, miscalculation, gaucherie, solecism; informal slip-up, howler, boo-boo, fluff, flub, blooper, goof"


THE POETS and their poem titles and ‘partial links' to the poem pages:
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a …LORA COLON; title: I Find No Joy

'partial link': /poem/i-find-no-joy/

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b …THERESA DUNN; title: Butterfly

'partial link': /poem/butterfly-222/

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c...SUSETTE VARGA; title: Twats In Tinfoil

'partial link': /poem/twats-in-tinfoil/

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d...LYN PAUL; title: The Wonder Of Something

'partial link': /poem/the-wonder-of-something/

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e...BILLY LOVING; title: Their Fantastic Place

'partial link': /poem/their-fantastic-place/

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f...DAVID WHALEN; title: Resolutions 2018

'partial link': /poem/resolutions-2018/

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g...ANDY BROOKES; title: Genes-Pooled

'partial link': /poem/genes-pooled/

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h...KHAIRUL AHSAN; title: A Bubble

'partial link': /poem/a-bubble-6/

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i...BHARATI NAYAK; title: How About Writing A Story

'partial link': /poem/how-about-writing-a-story/

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j...DENIS MAIR; title: Black And White Animals

'partial link': /poem/black-and-white-animals/

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k...DOUGLAS SCOTNEY; title: Forgive

'partial link: /poem/forgive-52/

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l...JEZ BRUL; title: An After-Storm Scene(Haiku#9)

'partial link': /poem/an-after-storm-scene-haiku-9/

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m...Oh, i guess i'll stop at 12.no sense bothering anyone
who is "afraid" of the number 13! !but, think of it! ! !how could
"13" be unlucky?well, it was unlucky for England in the late
1700s, as what came to be known as The United States of America
consisted of '13 colonies'.don't ask me to name them, but i bet
i could! !

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THE POEMS and the poets' names and ‘partial links' to the poem pages:
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'partial link': /poem/i-find-no-joy/

I Find No Joy - by Lora Colon

The sun rose, its duties to uphold
In its usual, most resplendent manner,
Spreading glorious rays of orange and gold -
Proud it rose, wildly waving its banner;
I was not stirred by this gaudy display,
For I find no joy since he went away

Listen to those songbirds in the tree,
You would think they'd find something better to do
Than to warble amidst such misery
On this Earth, overgrown with weeds and rue!
O, forgive my tone, so doleful and grim,
But I find no joy being without him

And why does the moon glow so brightly.....
Does it not know darkness helps me to forget?
Was ever a lantern so unsightly!
Throwing its rays without any regret;
Such indifference causes me agony,
For I find no joy since he's not with me

But life goes on as it did before,
And Earth will continue to orbit the sun,
And my heart will break just a little more
Finding myself alone when day is done -
Peace and hope no longer in my employ,
Being without his love I find no joy

Love, fly homeward to my heart once more,
Come wash away the memory of the day
You left me standing alone on Love's shore
While Sorrow's ebb tide swept my joy away;
Should Angels whisk me to their sacred lair,
I'll find no joy unless I find you there

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'partial link': /poem/butterfly-222/

Butterfly - by Theresa Dunn

Butterfly where are you at? The weather is getting warmer, hopefully I'll see you when I turn the corner. With your wings so big and bright, You look like an angel taking flight. You remind me of loved one's passed, like my Grandmother who is gone.I put a blue butterfly barrett in her pocket and I have never forgotten. I love you butterfly your my favorite so pure and majestic. You remind me of hope and fairy tales, like a boat in the ocean with the wind blowing in its sails. I will never forget you as long as you fly, You are my favorite my butterfly.

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'partial link': /poem/twats-in-tinfoil/

Twats In Tinfoil - by susette varga

In days gone by
Our beau's were knights
In shining armour
But nowadays
I'm sad to say
Suitors are mostly
twats in tinfoil
We long to find
A man so kind
That knows how
To treat a lady
Afraid to say
Most we come across
Are the type
That treat you badly
Oh Mr Right
Where are you?
Please stop hiding
From us
Be gone with you Mr Wrong
Your never going to catch me

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'partial link': /poem/the-wonder-of-something/

The Wonder Of Something - by Lyn Paul

She never taught me a thing
But Oh....How I learnt so much

How not, I want to be treated
How much, Love is truly valuable
Materials are so not needed
Trust is so hard to find

Dinner is simply a necessity
Want. Is a great big wish
Hope is waiting around the corner
Nothing is short of happening

Nature is straight out the back door
Magic is under that tree
Rainbows glow with their beauty
Whilst the storm
Gives that answer of nothing
Yet fills you with
The Wonder Of Something

Don't ever be a follower
Simply follow your own path
Breathe your own future
To always be an individual
As proud as you can be

There will always be someone
Who wants your friendship
Even if you do not see


Thank You Mum

Copyright Reserved July 18th 2015

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'partial link': /poem/their-fantastic-place/

Their Fantastic Place - by Billy Loving

Through the trees
Behind a swarm of bees
Lies a secret trail
They travel without fail
To a hidden land
Much too fantastic to understand
Following it's hills and bends
To meet with some old friends
Spending the day
In their usual way
New places to explore
It's wondrous creatures they adore
Pleasant conversation
Scrumptious meal, filled with elation
Their worries left behind
No troubles do they find
Quickly the time passes by
As they leave with a sigh
Setting a date to return
For it's solace they yearn
If only they could stay
Never again would they make their way
Back to a cold and callous place
It's memory they would erase
Their maudlin mood so clear
As through the trees they appear
Journeying back to their house
As quiet as a mouse
Through the window they sneak
Feeling so bleak
Some quiet words said
Hopping back in bed
By fatigue they're overcome
As to sleep, they rapidly succumb

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'partial link': /poem/resolutions-2018/

Resolutions 2018 - by David Whalen

This Year It's all about me

I'll use sleight of hand
Be all smoke and mirrors
Confess everything
Reveal nothing at all

I'll be all misdirection
In the way the cards fall
Be honestly devious
Mischievous and raw

I resolve to be all stuff and nonsense
Don't trust me one bit
I'll aspire to be lascivious
And really be lovin' it

I'm gonna' gain as much weight as I can
Eat bacon for breakfast, lunch and dinner
Gonna' gobble sugar (as much as I can stand)
Not gonna' care anymore about gettin' thinner

This year is gonna' be all about me
I'll not have many more I fear
And If nothin' else…It's gonna be
A very happy New Year

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Poet's Note:
This one's all about me!

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'partial link': /poem/genes-pooled/

Genes Pooled - by Andy Brookes

Born in blood we leave no footprints
our striving and petty battles are for naught.
a treasure trove we may accumulate hard cash,
but we leave behind, if we are lucky, but one legacy;
this is not of silver or gold but no less precious for that,
it is our children for in the end all that's really important
for they carry in them our love, our hope, and our immortality

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'partial link': /poem/a-bubble-6/

A Bubble - by Khairul Ahsan

A bubble erupts on the turbulent water,
Unaware of the vastness
On which it rides,
Dancing on the high waves,
Braving the winds.
Innocent in its mirth
Happy since its birth,
Undaunted, by the threat of sudden burst.

05 July 2015
Copyright Reserved.}
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Poet's Note(s) :
The moments of happiness of our life are like bubbles of an ocean.
Many a rainbow lie hidden there.

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'partial link': /poem/how-about-writing-a-story/

How About Writing A Story - by Bharati Nayak

How about writing a story

My child says -Mama,
Write stories and fairy tales,
Do you know
How much Harry Potter sales?

Yes, my child, I will
I will write a story you will love
But do you know,
The story is so vast
It requires thousands and thousands words,
They come and get struck at my throat,
Then they squeeze and dissolve
And come through my eyes
And shine at a corner
Like a drop of tear,
You know, when they fall
They fall like poems,
On a blank paper.

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Bri's Note:
On the poem's page, PH has(as of today) messed up the poem.
There are many words linked together without spaces between
them. This is NOT as Bharati typed the poem, but her efforts
to edit her poem, back to the way it should be, have failed.

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'partial link': /poem/black-and-white-animals/

Black And White Animals - by Denis Mair

In Mother Nature's gallery when I walk down a corridor of colors
I am dazzled to see white and black appearing on a single creature.
The zebra's coat has stripes of black and white in alternation;
As for the orca, its white belly is set off from its ebony back
Manifesting a streamlined yin-yang symbol, or a racing design.
Is there a message I'm missing, or am I just perplexed?
Because I know, for sure, something strange is going on.
The white coat of the snow leopard has rosettes of black,
Not spots, with white hairs that mark the black sectors;
And black hairs pepper its white coat, but do not gray it.
The panda is flopsical-mopsical; its big white head is marked
By black eye patches, in which its eyes are a bit off center,
And its black limbs are hitched like trousers to a white torso.
The orca lives in the sea; the zebra on the savanna;
The panda in forests; and the snow leopard in mountains:
A whale, a big cat, an ungulate, and a throwback bear:
Their phyla and habitats are as different as can be.
With stripes, dapples, contours or whimsical color blocs,
Taken together, they show a lovely range of styles
In their ways of combining two elemental colors.
Is there a message I'm missing, or am I just perplexed?
Because I know, for sure, something strange is going on.

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Bri's Notes:

Denis Mair has a very extensive (some might say "exhausting")
Poet's Notes under his poem on its page on PH.

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'partial link': /poem/forgive-52/

Forgive - by Douglas Scotney

The form of Chess
in which silly mistakes
are taken back to improve the game
and can be used as excuse for loss,
that form needs another name.

Forgiveness Chess, I suggest.

As Time will, Time will sieve
and I will ask, 'Tonight,
shall we play Forgive? '

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'partial link': /poem/an-after-storm-scene-haiku-9)

An After-Storm Scene(Haiku#9) - by Jez Brul

A huge old tree branch
Plucked down by the storm last night;
The wood cutter hailed.

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m...Thus endeth (for me)the March edition of my/our

Thanks for taking a look.
bri aka brian edward whitaker (in the "real world")



Thanks for participating As....contributors of poems, As....readers, and/or

Remember, you may (and are encouraged, by me) to visit the poets' pages and leave
comments there as well.

Bri :)

January ….26 …2018

See you in April? !

and on, and on, and on.

February 6th: I could stop adding poems any day now.And I could start again, IF I FEEL LIKE IT! ! !

bri :)



**** To get to each author's poem page on PH.............[assuming their poem is submitted to PH already].................

add these link components in front of the 'partial link' I have provided for each poem:







AND DON'T leave any spaces between any of the components, including the 'partial link' component.

PH does not allow me/us to include complete links in a poem or a poem 'story'. BUT I can send them in a message and maybe in a poem comment.

bri :)
Bharati Nayak 18 March 2018

In your showcases I find writings of great writers.Though I can not give comments, I appreciate them highly. Thank you Bri Edwards for your time and efforts to build such showcases.

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Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
Error Success