Mahatma Gandhi 37 - The Satyagraha Ashram Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Mahatma Gandhi 37 - The Satyagraha Ashram

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Twenty one years of stay in South Africa,
Tainted with dramatic experiences galore,
With piles of trials and struggles,
At times, a taste of success,
At times, a glimpse of triumph
An amalgamation of bitter sweet experiences!

Even with bitter-sweet tastes still lingering,
Sometimes, it is difficult to leave a place.
It was not an easy decision for Gandhiji.
But, Gandhiji did leave South Africa for good!
On July 18,1914,
Gandhiji sailed back to India via England.

Although the great Satyagraha movement in South Africa
For eight years concluded on a peaceful note,
A fresh Satyagraha movement began in India.
Gokhale and the Servants of India society welcomed
Gandhiji with open arms as they needed a dynamic leader
To sort out varied problems faced by the Indian citizens!

Gandhiji wanted an Ashram to stay,
To settle down peacefully to do his work,
The choice was his birth state of Gujarat.
Gokhale promised to support with the expenses
The founding and making of an Ashram.
Gandhiji was relieved and his heart flowed with joy.

The Satyagraha Ashram was founded on 25th of May,1915
At Kochrab in Ahmedabad with twenty five people.
A common kitchen with meals for all,
A place with friendly atmosphere and cordial relationship.
When we preach of equality and service to humanity,
Always a test of the proposed objectives appears unexpectedly.

A humble family belonging to the untouchable caste
Expressed their desire to join the Ashram.
Gandhiji immediately wrote back to Amritlal Thakkar
Expressing his willingness to accept this untouchable family.
All the members agreed to abide by the rules of the Ashram.
But, a stir was created amongst friends who supported the Ashram

Though a Harijan family was admitted amidst the Ashram members,
The first discordant note made its ugly appearance
It was in regard to the use of the well water.
The man pulling water out of the well was exasperated
When drops of water fell into his bucket as he felt polluted.
He began swearing and abusing the members of the Ashram.

All monetary help to the Ashram were withdrawn, one by one
A sort of social boycott took place.
The high caste were not ready to mingle with the lower caste.
Gandhi was prepared for all this and assured his companions.
In the worst circumstances, they would all go and stay
With the untouchables in their quarters
And would live on manual labour!

When Gandhiji lost all hope of survival in the Ashram,
God in the form of a Good Samaritan came to meet them.
It was a Sheth who waited in the car outside to meet Gandhiji
He expressed his wish to help. Gandhiji accepted wholeheartedly.
As promised, the next day he arrived and placed in Gandhiji's hands
Notes worth rupees thirteen thousand and drove away without a word.

Gandhiji had never met this gentleman before.
The Sheth made no enquiries and spoke very little.
He just came to render help.
He did so without much noise.
Gandhiji was enriched by this generous experience.
Now, they had enough funds to live for a year.

Thursday, May 4, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: personality
Tom Allport 13 May 2017

a truly inspirational poem of good deeds done by great men? ............well written

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Tom, so good of you to read the Gandhiji's poem. Thanks a lot. God bless.

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Loke Kok Yee 13 May 2017

I had read much about this man whom I greatly admired, you have just enriched my knowledge. Thanks Geeta, -10

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So happy to know that you admire Gandhiji, Loke. Thanks for reading and commenting. I greatly value your kindness. Stay blessed.

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From Someone, from somewhere, somehow, sheith helped. Nice to read his story, thank you mam.10p

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Thank you Ram for reading this poem. God bless you.

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