Maiden Memory Poem by Daniel Brick

Maiden Memory

Rating: 5.0

I've got a short memory. We call it Maiden Memory
in Russian.
Liza Sudina

Maiden Memory,
you are ever fresh and beauteous!
Nothing that emerges from you
is stale or spoiled. With you,
it is always TODAY, no trace of
yesterdays, always a clean slate
on which only the purest people
dare inscribe their names.

Maiden Memory,
I watch you on winter days
wandering down corridors of ice,
past snow mountains and valleys,
looking for some place of warmth
which eludes you. But not for long.
Already, the birds who are harbingers
of spring have returned to find you.

Let us go together to greet them.
Take me by the hand, and show me
step by step how you leap over
people and objects in one graceful
motion of release. Let me cherish
this memory until the lesson of freedom
is fully mine. Then I will release you,
like Prospero's Ariel, into your liberty.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: freedom,memory
Galina Italyanskaya 03 April 2017

Lovely piece! Do you agree there is a difference between maiden memory and poor memory?))) The former is careless and the latter is worrisome)

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Kumarmani Mahakul 30 March 2017

This poem is really beautifully presented poem. A short memory is in view. We call it Maiden Memory. Every scenery observed remains in memory. Cherishing memory until the lesson of freedom is understood is wise. Very thoughtful poem is shared.10

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Liza Sudina 23 March 2017

AH, Daniel! your poem is so fresh, so sunlit, intelligent, romantic, little bit lustful in the end, tender, cheriches, caring, as if shows the best sides of you, a man and a poet in a calm mood, And it catches my spirit which is really like the spirit of Air - Ariel. free and fresh. A Springtime poem! I'm proud that you put my name above it and it is somewhat for me, for us. Thank you!

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Daniel Brick 23 March 2017

You accidentally inspired this poem by using the Russian idiom and defining it for me. But your response shows how completely my poem expresses a common attitude we share. Yours words to me over the past year have refined my sense of spiritual direction.And this is only a beginning, my friend. I treasure your words of support.

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Sandra Feldman 22 March 2017

The best memory of them all, Will be this poem, 'Maiden Memory' In all the annals of poetic History, Those past, present and future, For Perfection, has no time, It just is.

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Daniel Brick 23 March 2017

Sandra, this is such an exciting response: you affirm me as a poet and my poem as a work which conveys both beauty and truth to others. You speak about it in superlatives which stun me. I am so grateful for this recognition you accord me. It makes me feel like a poet among poets. A creative writer among creative readers........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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Sandra Feldman 22 March 2017

So beautiful This air of Springtime magic and the innocence, that Maiden Memory that envelopes us entirely through out this poem, so alluring and hypnotizing till the very end. I was totally swept away, in a most magical and unusual way, by the absolute beauty and feeling in this unforgettable poem, like none I have ever read before! It just flows into the mind and heart, captivating us Forever! This is perfection. The poem every poet dreams of writing. Thank you, PoemMaster.

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