(knotty) Conundrum; Naughty Condom (Or Vice Versa) ..... [some Mostly-Serious Thoughts On Birth Control, Inspired By A Piece Of Trash] Poem by Bri Edwards

(knotty) Conundrum; Naughty Condom (Or Vice Versa) ..... [some Mostly-Serious Thoughts On Birth Control, Inspired By A Piece Of Trash]

Rating: 2.0

This poem was prompted by something I saw; 'Don't think of me.... as a Kook.'
What I saw is not often seen. It might, I think, make SOME of you puke.
It really wasn't a terrible thing. It was..... in fact, a simple piece of trash,
which might, however, make some of you..... AVERT your eyes in a flash.

Now, if you were paying attention to the title, and your memory is
still intact,
you've probably guessed the 'trash' was a condom. You'd be right; it is a fact......
that I saw, lying in my pathway, a condom, a red one tied up TIGHT..... with a knot,
and inside that red rubber I assume was come, left there, lying quietly, to quickly rot.

The trash of which I now have spoken was in a roadway where I took my walk.
If seen there by a couple of teen girls, it might make them giggle and quickly talk.......
about ANYTHING besides what they'd just seen.... ‘cause some would tell them: 'It is obscene! '
OR..... it might cause those teen girls to ask: 'Was THAT inside our Homecoming Queen? ! '

So that's one of the title-parts...... a condom, ...... knotty and /or naughty,
[depending on your attitude towards condom-use; are you open-minded, or are you haughty? ].
You see I played a bit with the word: 'knotty'. It can mean 'tied in knots',
OR IT CAN MEAN 'PUZZLINGLY INTRICATE', which the issue of birth control is...... LOTS!

And THERE is the naughty (and/or knotty) conundrum. A 'difficult problem' it is indeed.
Is it sinful to use a birth control measure? OR is it okay to take control and STOP the 'seed'?

(November 30,2013)

oh my! i have some comments before YOU get to leave yours.1- i am pro-choice, as i would assume many would guess, especially after i used 'open-minded' and 'haughty' as i did. but i am flexible, somewhat, on the subject.2- i did not mean to write 'OR IT CAN MEAN " PUZZLINGLY INTRICATE" , ..' all in capital letters; i just had left the 'Caps Lock' key 'on', but i liked the look of capitals there and left it.3- i REALLY was inspired, on my walk, by a knotted condom; i didn't look closely enough to determine its contents! and it was red. 4- i can't help myself; i love to use humor/humour in my poems, even if it is a little bit, not LOTS. did you notice any? i hope so.5- i almost forgot to add: i put the title's first word in (....) to make it be at the top of my list of poems....at least for now. i want people to be more sure to see it. i think it is important, though it may not change anybody's mind.6- and speaking of (Knotty) ....it is appropriate to be in parentheses because i think all conundrums are supposed to be 'knotty', so i am being a bit redundant using them side-by-side. :) bri
Bri Edwards 03 December 2013

as the poem is now, i have decided the second and third stanzas should switch positions. i NOW want the second stanza to begin: Now, if you were paying attention to the title, and your memory is still intact, and the third stanza to begin: The trash of which I now have spoken was in a roadway where I took my walk. so if the poem, when YOU read it, is not in that order, i apologize............because it shouldn't sound right to you; it didn't sound write to me AFTER i had submitted it. what a goof! :)

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Noreen Carden 05 December 2013

Well Bri i am not sure about this one except my advice would be to look up at the sky when you go out walking rather than looking down at the ground.Only you could write a poem on this subject.So as we say here fair play to you

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Noreen Carden 05 December 2013

Well Bri i am not sure about this one except my advice would be to look up at the sky when you go out walking rather than looking down at the ground.Only you could write a poem on this subject.So as we say here fair play to you

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Paul Brookes 06 December 2013

Out the weird stable of Bri come another witty and clever poem which has got so many people in knots, cutting the Gordion Knot or not, is a KNOTTY problem. As usual your take on the world with your take on the world is so delightfully naughty, its hidden message and sometimes in your face ones. Loved it. Thanks for making the world seem a little brighter BB 10/10 : O)

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Eugene Levich 16 March 2014

This poem is my first Bri Edwards read. My reaction: Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! I know now where to look when I need a mood picker-upper (which is often) . The only observation I can make that does not echo the previous comments made herein is that - as I'm mainly a translator of poetry rather than a poet - I can't imagine trying to render this poem into any other language - except perhaps Martian or Plutonian. I'm afraid Bri is forever locked into English - actually not a bad place to remain if you're in solitary confinement!

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Bri Edwards 12 November 2024

My thanks go now to all past (and any future) Readers and Commenters. Thanks! ! PIck up your trash, for goodness sake! ! ! bri ;) bri ; 00

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Oratile Diratsagae 07 May 2018

I love the word play. It is so imcredible

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Chuy Amante 28 May 2014

Please finish 7,8 and 9 even thuogh the poem was sublime I still think you are a lecher! But that's all right there are plenty here tonight They'd call me the same, I betcher

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Colleen Courtney 28 March 2014

Ahhh Bri! Only you could write a piece after such a sighting! Though I have to admit, I also have seen a few of these in streets, parking lots etc. Can't figure out why people can't hold on to the suckers until they find some type of trash receptacle. But, I have stopped trying to figure out the minds of many. Please note I said many and not all. So you my friend remain on the hook! Lol. As for my stance on the birth control issue? The way I see it, is my body-my decision! And that goes for that other controversial subject also! ! ! : -)

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Shania K. Younce 23 March 2014

This poem is well written. I don't believe it is very appropriate.I do not condone any type of birth control. Due to my beliefs in God. I strongly believe with every fiber of my being that you should be married before committing to such acts. Bien!

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Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
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