preferring not to read between the lines
but rather to witness the carnage, the visage
face to face
on the fast rollercoaster
enjoyed for its weightless curves and swing
few bother to remark
on axle construction
or merry-go-round similarities
scream out loud
who cares
its the ride amigo
lets go baby lets go
ooh, I'm all dizzy! A great poem, choc full of imagery. Hugs Anna xxx
A fair-ground for attraction I'd say, with all the fun Love duncan X
You've got me with the final three lines...powerful and simple. I love it. Regards, Stephen Parnell
Ihhhhhhhhhh HA! :) So lost I was in reading your art that I just realized after your last sentece call that is way passed my time to go and face the fact that I must sleep...Later then, for more to learn, back here reading you The Tailor Bell Poet I shall be. So inteligent and well tought...Art of yours, managed with perfection...
Yeah, suppose most folk don't stop to smell the stenches nor even ponder what it's all about, Alfie. Perhaps it's better that way, in that ignorance is bliss; if one thinks excessively, then he or she just might fly off their roundabout. Damned good piece of inking, Tailor. Cheers, Greg PS: No Soup For YOU!
a really well crafted and successful poem. This poem has wonderful movement. Really fine, Tailor Barbara
Fun filled read! A chilhood remembrance but also life as an adult
Lot's of fun coming our way, great poem, thankyou--Melvina
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
A delightful read, fun time at a summer's fair. Splendid imagery.