Moonlight Fantasy By Valentin Savin Poem by valentin savin

Moonlight Fantasy By Valentin Savin

Rating: 4.0

One happy summer late in June
I walked under a starry night.
I started talking with the Moon,
Of love that seemed so strong and bright.

The Moon appeared much too cold.
So distant and alien by chance,
Because She wasn't free, She told.
Young Moon was guiding her all month.

I beckoned the Moon with a finger
And all at once her refusal I got.
Deciding not to vainly linger
I instantly of love forgot.
My Fantasies faded at once.
I found that I was a dunce.

Monday, July 23, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love and dreams
This poem was written 13 years ago when I had a thirst for writing poems in my native language. I have found it recently and decided to translate into the English language.
Bri Edwards 30 September 2023

Ah, once again I am reminded my good Russian PH friend who I have not heard from in years. I suspect that he died. I hope & think that, IF dead now, Val found relief in 'death'. : ) He lived in Moscow.

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bri edwards 06 November 2018

(cont.) favorite lines: Deciding not to vainly linger I instantly of love forgot. My Fantasies faded at once. as for dunce, i think i used that to refer to 'me' in one of my recent poems OR in a message to a PH friend, OR both: a poem TO a PH friend in a message. yes, once does not have many words (that i can think of) with which to rhyme! i wonder if this is pure fantasy or based on some of your true feelings or activities. hmm? bri ;)

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Valentin Savin 07 November 2018

Dear Brian, Thank you very much for the comment. It is both my feelings and fantasy. I see the Moon (full Moon - She) from my window nearly every night in good weather all yer through. And sometimes half Moon (Young Moon - He) . I do not remember exactly, but it seem you who offered me the rhyme dunce to once. For which I'm indebted to you.

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bri edwards 06 November 2018

i like the poem and thanks for the Poet's Notes. these 2 lines: Because She wasn't free, She told. Young Moon was guiding her all month. .......cause me to ask 3 questions: 1- is She the Moon? 2- who/what is the Young Moon? 3- who is her? to MyPoemList (cont.)

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