Homo Sapiens Poem by valentin savin

Homo Sapiens

Rating: 5.0

(A man reasonable)

The old body weather fears,
The soul falls in decay.
Guilty are the years,
That refuse to stay.

The soul ages with the body
While ending its living span.
Life is amazing and Godly.
Hold onto your life, man!

You'll be buried when you part.
Perhaps recalled someday.
Or driven out of the heart.
You can't regain the past anyway.

You were born the perfect kind
And you must live and strife.
The Lord gave you spirit and mind.
Save them till the end of life!

Friday, June 7, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: aging,life,man
Age takes its toll and a person needs to live a life with dignity.
Jazib Kamalvi 18 July 2019

Wow! Great poetry, Valentin savin. You may like to read my poem, Love And Iust. Thank you.

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Valentin Savin 18 July 2019

Thank you very much, dear Jazib.

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Bri Edwards 29 August 2019

i like love and i love, but to read Jazib's poem is not a must (do) . bri edwards :)

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Bri Edwards 29 August 2019

1 – " The binomial name sapiens was coined by Linnaeus,1758. The Latin noun homō (genitive hominis) means " human being" , while the participle sapiēns means " discerning, wise, sensible" . " [ i Googled this ]

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Bri Edwards 29 August 2019

2 – " And you must live and strife." how about " live and strive" or " live with strife" ? ? i like this quite a bit. to MyPoemList. could the memory of you, Val, ever be driven out of someone's heart? not mine! ! Bri :)

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Subhas Chandra Chakra 04 September 2023

A superb poem indeed. Great theme. Thanks for sharing it. You have successfully depicted a newer meaning of life

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Bri Edwards 03 September 2023

With best wishes, my Russian friend. ;)

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Bri Edwards 03 September 2023

***** Val, my 'long-lost' friend. 'And you must live and strife.' You'll lose a fine rhyme, BUT 'strife', I say, should be 'strive'. I hope you and Kira? are well, or your bodies are resting well. ;) bri

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Valentin Savin 20 June 2021

Brian, I'm done with Poem Hunter. If you want and can, write me at the post office in Yahoo or Mail.ru.

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Valentin Savin 20 June 2021

Brian, my friend, what happened to you? You're completely lost. You don't show up on Yahoo. Write me something or are you forbidden to write to me? ! It's impossible to write here, it's all advertising. I had to remove the ad blocker. I won't set foot here again. Sorry.

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