Morpheus Son Of Sleep. Poem by Ann Beard

Morpheus Son Of Sleep.

Rating: 4.3

Come and sit for awhile, with Grandma
to doze and suppose, what will you be.

Before age distorts with adult desires,
let us stir up the embers of infant fires.

Let Morpheus son of sleep, dream maker,
shape us a key.

Will you conquer fear, maybe learn to fly.
Stay tight as a bud, or risk failure to bloom

Mix lotions, swim oceans - be a millionaire
or nestle amongst those, reliant on prayer.

Inspired by each season’s
resplendent costume.

Will you drive a bus, work in a bank,
excel in the arts, becoming well known.

Snatch at all whimsy, not easily caught,
Find beauty in even the old or distraught.

will you one day find bliss
have a child of your own.

How foolish, to make such elaborate plans
for hope is so fragile, yet hard to ignore.

I see sleep is beckoning... time to let go
of multiple maybe’s you’ve no need to know.

Let Morpheus son of sleep, dream maker,
open each door.

Roan © copyright Jan.2013


Excellent poem Ann, worth a 10 definitely, also very thought provoking.

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Pradip Chattopadhyay 29 March 2013

An outstanding piece of work Ann...outstanding to say the least!

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Gajanan Mishra 29 March 2013

come and sit for while And I invite you to read my poems and comment.

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