Moving Forward Poem by Rainer Maria Rilke

Moving Forward

Rating: 2.9

The deep parts of my life pour onward,
as if the river shores were opening out.
It seems that things are more like me now,
That I can see farther into paintings.
I feel closer to what language can't reach.
With my senses, as with birds, I climb
into the windy heaven, out of the oak,
in the ponds broken off from the sky
my falling sinks, as if standing on fishes.

Paula Coykendall 18 April 2007

I use this poem as a letter-head on my personal stationary; It perfectly describes the feeling I had after surviving a very difficult period in my life, and seeing the inner-growth and clarity which resulted.

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Margaret O Driscoll 29 February 2016

A wonderful description of growing in faith

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Allen 19 March 2019

Please correct " Falling" to " Feeling" sinking, in the last line!

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Jacinthe 01 November 2018

The translation of Gefuhl in the last line of the poem is wrong: it is not 'falling' but FEELING. It then makes sense.

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Allen 19 March 2019

YES, absolutely, it should be " feeling" .

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Susan Williams 14 February 2017

Again there is darkness yet that spear of light that comes down mid poem- -magnificent author

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Ratnakar Mandlik 14 February 2017

Simply superb poem with equally superb flight of imagination.

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Sarah Stimson 21 April 2016

Does anyone know of a collection that this poem is in? It is my favorite poem but I can't find it printed in any Rilke collections. Please help! Sarah

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chuck bender 26 August 2019

Robert Bly's Selected Poems of Rainer Maria Rilke

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Rainer Maria Rilke

Rainer Maria Rilke

Prague / Czech Republic
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