My Escape Poem by Ernestine Northover

My Escape

Rating: 4.9

Looking out towards the horizon
I dream of my escape
Freedom beckons me

I have in my view a different world
A world with a different format
A view so opposite
to the one I have at the moment

But how to escape

Not easy when I have commitments
Things I can't leave behind
but can't take with me either

What a stalemate!

Perhaps it was just a hope,
an idea with no foundation,
a self analysis

There is no escape!

Just a dead end
with no view

And a dream that's no longer viable.

© Ernestine Northover

Allan James Saywell 25 October 2005

dont give up on the dream Ernestine if we keep dreaming we will realize our dreams if we stop they die and so do we warm regards allan

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Theorem Thetruthserum 25 October 2005

Sometimes things look dim but you got to find the can do it Ernestine

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Andrew Blakemore 26 September 2008

Terrific work Ernestine you have captured the mood perfectly here. Love, Andrew x

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Duncan Wyllie 14 April 2006

Dear Ernestine To have no commitments at all is not always freedom, sounds strange doesn't it, but sometimes it can be the things that we find difficult that can really release us, A very thought provoking poem, Love Duncan

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Linda Hepner 27 October 2005

Lucky those who can make that existential leap... when they have no commitments. Enjoying your poems Ernestine, even the sad ones. Linda

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Alice Vedral Rivera 26 October 2005

Many of us are tied to commitments that we can't escape and so we put our dreams on hold - perhaps one day....... (I'm giving you a 10 to counteract that first undeserved 3) avr

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Uriah Hamilton 26 October 2005

I really like and feel this poem! Bob Dylan has a line, 'I tell myself something's coming, but it never does.'

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