My Sister Laura Poem by Spike Milligan

My Sister Laura

Rating: 3.2

My sister Laura's bigger than me
And lifts me up quite easily.
I can't lift her, I've tried and tried;
She must have something heavy inside.

Chris Blaney 29 March 2006

of course he wont answer! ! he is dead! ! you shudlnt be making jokes bout da best comedian ever, tony u sad little man! !

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Chris Hater 31 January 2018

how dear you say that to Tony. Just because he is not some sad little poetry nerd like you dose not mean you can insult him like that! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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Chris Hater 31 January 2018

how dare you insult tony like that. Just because he is not some sad little poemtry nerd like you, dosen't give you the right to say that you sad little S**t

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Tony Jolley 01 January 2006

Dear Spike.... I bet you don't answer this! ! ! ! !

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KeithD 10 August 2019

I recon Spike may be amused by that.

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Suryendu Chaudhury 14 October 2020

The love and affection in siblings is unique.

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Sania Khan 22 July 2018

This poem brings my memories back which I had spent witnh my sister

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Random Man 31 January 2018

Are You Weak or is your sister just fat

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Susan Williams 22 October 2015

Now this brings back memories!

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Shadow Girl 10 May 2011

Haven't heard this since primary school but still remember the words! A comic genius chaotic poet!

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