My Songs in Me
My songs in me,
I want to sing,
Echoes of my hart
Should soundly ring.
I want to sing.
Hear once again
What I would sing
To reach a mother's terrain.
I want to sing
For the lost, meek.
I want to sing
For the feeble, weak.
I want to give
To those that rise fast,
I want to be
A kind soul to the last.
I want to hear
That I can sing
Till dusk enters
And breaks sad strings.
Another day
Waiting to sing.
When I can't sing
Carry me away
In your arms... sane.
Pray for echoing songs
That will remain.
November 15,2008
Thanks Salley for your comments You understood me May be because You're reaching my age You reached inside my soul To write your soulful phrases That made me proud to share your site Without sighting your face...! Sylva-MD-Poetry
I love your song here, and particularly the fact that you want to sing for those who, perhaps, can't sing for themselves. Felt the melody and inspiration. Beautiful. 10
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
A uniquely poignant write-uplifting and full of caring-a 10 plus. Please write more