My True Love... Poem by Mahfooz Ali

My True Love...

Rating: 3.0

You are my everything
you are my lover and my friend
the one I confide to
when I am sad, happy, or I
just need someone to talk to
I love you and I can't wait
to be in your lap
you are my everything
where are you, Mom?
my one and only true love.

Friday, August 31, 2007
Topic(s) of this poem: mother,mother and child
Uzma Jamil 11 November 2007

Superb! Piece of work, keep up the zoom.Truly Uzma.

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Maliha Mirza 05 April 2008

very nice............................................................................. i think that when you will be big you will be a poet

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shaharban v 25 November 2008

mother's love....the cure for all ills and ur words....that feelings...the care, the sorrows.... all lie in that title 'my true love.', the divine vitality that everywhere produces and restores one's life......really u r a great son of a great mother! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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Cindy Kreiner Sera 07 April 2009

Dedicated to a Mother - one who loves her child no matter what - unconditional Love....well done, Cindy

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Mohammad Muzzammil 17 June 2011

A nice poem regarding the love of mother, who is no doubt, the sweetest and the greatest gift from heaven. You've paid a tribute to the mother, whose love is far from selfishness. I've also composed a poem under the title MY MOTHER.

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 19 January 2016

read my mom poetrys CEO OF BANK OF POETRY She calls me my salaams lady friend I stand on the rivers bend anyday the tsunami may take me away till such a time a banker still consider me if you will sisss misss or friendsss.... Poetry along with me shall not ever end sometimes when we are very young we get so very scared will she love me will she report me what will she do no one ever knew it's all in a woman's mind to love or to be kind but in memories we alone have she has made us lose our mind and an opportunity we all leave far behind in the annals of time call it infatuation if you may

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Ramesh Rai 25 July 2013

beautiful write. There is no other name than mother.

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Salema Khatun 21 December 2011

this is a good poem nice nice

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Renu Kakkar 12 September 2011

very nice poem..i wrote one for mothers day please read sure you all will like it

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Yosra Baidi 05 September 2011

yeah of course motheres are allways the first the best and the only treu love in our life actually poets sees their mothers like godess that's why whatever they write they think that they did not say everything i have a poem about the same topic it is titeled 'thiking about the idea' i wish you enjoy it just plz have a look and share you openion if possible

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Mahfooz Ali

Mahfooz Ali

Lucknow (U.P.) India
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