Nations Service To Idly's Poem by Samanyan Lakshminarayanan

Nations Service To Idly's

Rating: 5.0

'Even to eat a plate of idly for four rupees-
i had to pay a tax of twenty paise' said the autowallah.
'What a profitable country india should be'-
said the autowallah.
He has been working in saudi prior to this.
The 'service tax' net isreally big no doubt-but
The 'hole' under is big too.

Every common man has started contributing-
to this 'service tax'.
Though you cannot consider eating to be a service-
selling of idli's is definetely a service isn't it?
The common man does not know about-
the 'hole' in the net.
What about the authorities?
Whatever, the idli's have become 'dearer' to the common man.
'Dearer' because of the 'service tax'.
The tax collected is not paid.
The idly's eaten becomes partially or fully 'Devoid'. After all-
who can ever prove an idly existed- after
it has already been eaten?

What will the idlywallah do- with all this-'Devoid' money-
out of his 'Devoid' idlys?
Well, the idlywallah can go to the daba- and have
'Devoid' roti's and naans-or
The idlywallah can buy a lot of 'Devoid' things-
out of the 'Devoid' money.
'Spend the devoid income as devoid expenses' goes the saying=
Whereby he can avoid -
the 'Expenditure tax' as well.

What have the financial experts done?
They have created 'Devoid' idly's- rotis and naan will follow- whereby
a lot of small timers would become 'Devoid'- the Nation itself will follow.

Sandra Martyres 30 March 2009

While the Economists may not agreee, your witty piece on the Nations Service tax is great....especially the pun on the word 'dearer' 10++

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Sathyanarayana M V S 15 December 2008

You are picking up good subjects on contemporary situation. But I think u could have put this poem in a more poetic form to achieve maximum effect.....sorry to say frank friendly opinion.

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Kesav Easwaran 14 December 2008

you have written well on the bad side of imposing service tax...the government is perhaps 'taxing' us for rendering 'service'...the word 'dear 'used in dual meaning reads good...thanks for this write...10

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Indira Babbellapati 04 December 2008

the idea is good and thought provoking but i agree with ms. r.

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