On A Granada Encounter Poem by Glen Kappy

On A Granada Encounter

It's harder now
with cell phones
to spot the "crazies"
but this woman
with Roma features
coming up the street
with no companion
and no phone
and raving at high volume
is probably one.

But lines between
eccentric, idiosyncratic
and downright barmy
are forever blurry.
Who doesn't have his moments?
And things the "sane" endure
to get or hold a job
or pay the bills
may definitely creep
into a liminal zone.

Is following fashion "normal"?
There reason we dub a thing a "craze"?
To choke the neck with a cravat
more sensible now
than four hundred years ago?

And if we allow a prejudice
to skew our thoughts and actions
have we not stepped
into the shadow
of insidious madness?

Thursday, December 12, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: crazy,fashion,job,jobs,madness,perspective,work
Like my recent posting "I Think of Prufrock, " this is a poem I originally drafted during a 2007 visit to Spain and rediscovered in the last two weeks or so.
Laurie Van Der Hart 24 December 2019

This is an excellent poem, Glen. I like it for its insightful thinking, encouraging us to look at ourselves and our society. Funny, I have a poem title, with nothing yet written, called “degrees of sanity.”

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Glen Kappy 24 December 2019

thank you, laurie. this is my second attempt at responding—ph was acting loopy. i've sent a paragraph i came across that relates to this poem and your incipient " degrees of sanity." you know the quote, i expect, great minds think alike? be blessed! -glen

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 17 December 2019

And if we allow a prejudice to skew our thoughts and actions have we not stepped into the shadow of insidious madness? Glen, we truly need to reflect on this!

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Glen Kappy 18 December 2019

hey, geeta! good to see your little picture and comment. thank you. since my psychology courses years ago I've been aware that " crazy" is often a matter of perspective. there are likely many great things that have been done by people dubbed " crazy" by others. -glen

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Glen Kappy

Glen Kappy

New York, NY USA
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