Out There. Poem by Smoky Hoss

Out There.

Rating: 2.5

Out there; at the edge of atmosphere
Flies a thought, nearly burning blue,
How long shall this sky keep falling
Until the wind blows true -

What lands of wonder
In realms unseen,
Shall explode into view
When reality becomes the final dream -

Glimmering stars are truly bubbles of new forming life
About to burst,
When at long last stripped
From the bonds of living in a curse -

The dream no longer bound
By worldly compulsion and care,
Shall go on forever living-free,
When turned loose to live... somewhere way out there.

Dee Corpolongo 10 January 2017

I love this short but descriptive poem about the night skies and another show put on for us to see~ thanks for sharing!

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Vipins Puthooran 09 December 2011

When reality becomes th' final word, then comes eternity! ! ! A g'd poem! ! !

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Cosmic Dreamer 29 November 2011

The journey of the soul is merely the dream brought to life... I really like your poem... Thanks for making my heart dance...

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James Casey 28 November 2011

Shall go on forever living-free, When turned loose to live... somewhere way out there. good stuff

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Eric Cockrell 26 November 2011

love the feeling of eternity in this one... great poetry!

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