Pentecost Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan


Rating: 5.0

No poem today,
only a Statement

2023 years ago Jesus was born in Bethlehem
He has lived 33 years in Nazareth
and 1990 years ago He died on the cross in Golgotha

Today is Pentecost Day
50 days after Easter
and 10 days after Ascension Day

but ONE fact is perpetual true
call for Him in your prayer
and He is nearest to you

Monday, May 29, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: Jesus

A beautiful statement from a great Poetess so well presented. Liked the ultimate stanza.

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I am touched very much by your loving words, I am constantly happy to read your great important and precious response, dear great Poetess

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Thank you for all your encouragement to be with God. Through your Poetry, we learned more about the Lord and His great love for us, His children

2 0 Reply

So it be indeed, my dearest friend, only a statement but I am happy that you cared, thank YOU

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My friend, you never ceases to depict the greatness of the Lord through your Poetry. You never fail to inform us the important and very sacred occurrences on the bible.

2 0 Reply

Only eimple words from the Greatest Truth we all can read if we wish, my dear friend. Thank you sio much, always from my heart to yours for your full understanding. God Blesses you abundantly

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The life of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice are always inspiring. Thank you dear poet

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Thank you, thank you dear Unnikrishnan poet, your words make me very happy, in gratitude

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Rebecca Navarre 29 May 2023

Ever so Beautiful! ...5 Stars! ..+++++++++++++++++

2 0 Reply

My dear Becca, ever so very happy to see and read your great support on my statement, I know too well that you and I love Him very much.Thank you for your precious words and 5 Stars!

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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