People Next Door-4 Poem by Subhas Chandra Chakra

People Next Door-4

Rating: 4.9

I am your neighbour
When your house is
Under fire or in flood.

I am your neighbour
When your kid is sick,
Needs a bottle of blood.

I am your neighbour
When goons attack
And rob your golden chain.

I am you neighbour
When a gang teases
And threatens your women.

But where had you been
All these days?
While I had been a bare foot
On the burning ways? ?

Not a cake!
When hunger kills my kin,

Not a cloth!
When poverty chills my skin,

Not a coin!
When rains soak my walls,

Not a brake!
When mobs peep at my girls,

Not a word!
When cameras hunt my wife
Scantily clad! !

Saturday, August 19, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: people,sensitivity,social behaviour,love and friendship,love and life,neighbor
Omm Praka 19 August 2017

Nice poem sir

32 0 Reply

Thank you sir for the observation and lovely remark.

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Sabita Sahoo 19 August 2017

Not a brake! When mobs peep at my girls, Not a word! When cameras hunt my wife Scantily clad! ! Yes we are callous to our neighbours. Sad to read but true.

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Anita Aparajita Das 24 August 2017

Not a cake! When hunger kills my kin, Not a cloth! When poverty chills my skin, Not a coin! When rains soak my walls, Not a brake! When mobs peep at my girls, Not a word! When cameras hunt my wife Scantily clad! ! Yes these insensitive people are dark spots in our society. This attitude has to go. 10++ for this poem shared.

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Prativa Rani 09 December 2020

Beautiful poem on people of neighbourhood. Loved to read it,5 Stars.

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Paresh Chakra 26 November 2018

I enjoy this poem it is a great poem

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Bhagabat Prasad Hotta 06 November 2018

So great sir....I like this poem...10+++++++++++++++

5 0 Reply
Anita Aparajita Das 30 June 2018

The poem shows your innate sensitivity and heart so compassionate about the close neighborhood. Thanks Subhas for the sharing.

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alan brown 26 April 2018

It's very good to look after your neighbour but as you say in your poem Subhas.It has to work both ways.a very good message enjoyed big 10 Alan

7 1 Reply

Thanks dear Alan for such lovely remarks and great words of encouragement.

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Subhas Chandra Chakra

Subhas Chandra Chakra

Sainkul, Anandapur, Odisha, India
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