Only good things have counterfeits,
Not the putrid ones.
We find plagiarised poetry
And fake poets, because poetry is good.
Poetry is good for us, the humans
As they touch our hearts
When they are read
And leave a lingering appeal that makes us think.
Although some counterfeit items may appear
As good as the original, and difficult to distinguish,
Yet most of the counterfeits
Ultimately find their place in the trash bins.
So, poets must not feel frustrated.
A counterfeit cannot measure up to the original.
A poet's lines are created from thoughts
That originate in their hearts and flow out;
Thoughts which are benign, pure and pristine,
Unique to him only,
Inconceivable by others exactly in the same perspective,
However deftly they may try to counterfeit.
Melbourne, Australia
02 March 2020
Flow out! ! ! Like the river of love. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.
Thanks for reading the poem and saying a fe words, @Edward Kofi Louis.
Thought provoking, When something is imitated and copied, in a way it is appreciated well
'When something is imitated and copied, in a way it is appreciated well' - Right you are, @Aniruddha Pathak. That's why I do not bother much, if my poems are plagiarised, as i have said in this poem: 'So, poets must not feel frustrated. A counterfeit cannot measure up to the original. A poet's lines are created from thoughts That originate in their hearts and flow out; '.
Ideas originate in a fertile brain. If we steal from others, they may lack originality and will appear as counterfeit. Such poems can never vie with those reflecting the natural feelings of an imaginative poet. Also a fraudulent imitation can easily be detected by an intelligent reader. Each poet has a distinctive style. So never go for plagiarism! A great poem!
'Each poet has a distinctive style' - yes Valsa, I can tell whether a poem or a comment is written by you by reading just a few lines. Perhaps, you too can say so about me or any other poet. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and augmenting mine through this comment. Much inspired.
poets must not feel frustrated. A counterfeit cannot measure up to the original. A poet's lines are created from thoughts............../// yes Sir; you are right; the true poet / writer has no fear, no afraid of plagiarism because of variation of insightful thoughts which none can plagiarize//
'A counterfeit cannot measure up to the original' - Oh, so well said @Mahtab, absolutely true! Also inspiring is your comment: 'The true poet / writer has no fear'.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
A poet's lines are created from thoughts That originate in their hearts and flow true dear poet!