Profound Poem by David Knox


I'm not speechless, because, look, I have so much to say
But I'm astonished, surprised, and more
This is not a chore
I'm excited to remind you, remind you of that day
When we had to wash dish after dish
The day you made me wish
I could see things like you
The day you helped change me forever too
Do you know that my outlook has never been the same?
Did you know that I wallowed in shame,
I felt afflicted by God with allergy and fall
Afflcited by hardship and insomnia and it all
But you opened my eyes so that I could see
That the whole way God had been helping me
I hadn't broken a bone
But yet I'd never known
Never thought, that He had saved me from harm
Protected my body, my head, my spirit, my hand, and even my arm
I don't know how to tahkn you enough
But I'm trying... Look I wrote all this stuff
Did you know that on that day I did stop to hate
Myself? After teh 15 years I had to wait
I don't know if you know
Just how much you opened my eyes. You show
Me the right way. Yep that's present tense
Because you still point me to God, and share good sense
Still encouarge and inspire me with your hope and love
With your purity like a dove
God is certainly exceedingly good to have let me meet you
I'm really glad I know you too
I'll never forget you so don't worry about that
Now you'll never have to wonder what
Impact you had on me or what you mean
To me, because you're the one who helped me see
And now I don't hate myself, and even though it took 2 more years
Much soul searching and tears
Facing my fears
I don't have such low self esteem
I'm done hiding behind my contrived stupidity
So that when I failed the sting was not crushing to me.
That's why I can write poetry again, or so it would seem

I remember that you were impressed by my faith
But wait
Here I am telling you that you totally inspired me
So I guess God used both of us, that's the way He
works. So happy birthday Joy, daughter of God, treasure your life
Realize it's rife
With blessingand God's love, He wants to use you so take that step
Of faith, just let
God deal with your fears and live like there's no tomorrow
Joy, beloved daughter of God, don't forget the power inside
Daugher of God don't try to hide
Remember whoy ou are
And let your light so shine before men, like a birght star
Give up your fears and word 'awkward' and rock Ramona
With the
One True Rock

So daughet of God treasure your time
It's beautiful in the original langauge so read of God's love in a real rhyme
Turn to Psalms 34
This passage changed my life, my heart and more
When you spoke to me over dishes, God showed me that poem
So let's both glorify Spirit, Father, and Son
This is my message to you.
But read God's too
He speaks through Psalms, so now daughter of God Joy,
There's but one thing left to say
Love the Lord your God and pray
With all your heart, soul, and strength
Take that step in faith
And above all
Praise Him for He is worthy and answer the call
Upon your life.
You're His daughter

So go forth and shine

David Knox

David Knox

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