Rijmend Of Niet Rijmend....? Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

Rijmend Of Niet Rijmend....?

Rating: 5.0

Ik hou van gedichten die goed rijmen,
alsjeblieft, kom op en vertel het!

Ik hou erg veel van gedichten,
niet als zodanig rijmend,

Ik hou van alle gedichten,
essays, verhalen en prozagedichten,

Oh, nee nee! Niet in deze pandemie!

Ik hou erg véél van alle gedichten,
vooral degenen die "zulke" hebben,

alsjeblieft, kom op en vertel!
rijmende gedichten tijdens corona crisis is als hel!

©Sylvia Frances Chan - Alle Rechten Voorbehouden
Donderdag 14 mei 2020

This is a translation of the poem Rhyming Or Not Rhyming....? by Sylvia Frances Chan
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
alsjeblieft, kom op en vertel!
rijmende gedichten tijdens corona crisis is als hel!

©Sylvia Frances Chan - Alle Rechten Voorbehouden
Donderdag 14 mei 2020
Kumarmani Mahakul 14 May 2020

Rhyming poems have beautiful and sweet sensation. When a poet or reader reads such a poem, he feels the truth behind these and feels the essential essence. Like you, I too like beautifully rhymed poems. Essays or stories or any other form of writing we can represent by rhyming word. A nice and excellent poem is very well penned.10 alsjeblieft, kom op en vertel! rijmende gedichten tijdens corona crisis is als hel!

3 0 Reply

Poems in the Dutch language tend to be bit ironic or bit with slight humor, very serious or serious poems in the Dutch language we seldom find. Truly, perhaps is the great cause every year celebrating our Sinterklaas avondjes, on this event we must compose an easy poem with much humor or teasing the person in question. That's our tradition, Master Poet Kumarmani Mahakul Sir

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Thank you so much for your most appreciated comment in my dutch version. God only knows how grateful I am. Thank you.so much for your precious 10. May God's Blessing greatest fall upon you and your beloved wife,

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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