My mom used to have me close and tight over her waist
and for the whole day we used to be under sun's face
I don't know why mom keep on knocking at car door's on the road
besides most of the people from inside stare at her and scold
few threw one or two small round shaped metals (coins) on the road
with a sign of relief mom grabs it without getting bored
Often she kisses me and wipes my sweat using her torn cloth
but she never care's for her sweat though she was burning hot
whenever someone grabs mom's hand with a cruel smile
I don know why she scold's them back and runs with tear filled eyes
she feeds me with a loaf of bread thinking am hungry whenever i cry
but in real I cry for her.. cos she always just drinks water and letting herself dry
At night I sleep with tears rolling down..thinking why she cares me much
for which her heart breathe says I am the only one she got this close and tight
when her fingers run on my back I can feel day by day its getting rough
her tenderness had gone cos of house works
making me stand before a broken mirror she used to say I am cute
when she hugs me I can feel she has gone too skinny and my heart goes to mute
used to cry thinking I couldn't help my mom, cos I am a kid for now
and I still don't know why even God did'n answer my prayers till now
I just shared my words with you cos today is the last day in my life
with tears I gonna end up my life on my mothers chest
atleast then she can have my daily loaf of bread
though it pains me when I think, I am going to miss her for ever
as a kid I don't know another way to make her free from starve for ever
Am going to sleep forever on my mother for now
please don't inform my mom..........guess she's too tired cos
I see her sleeping without motion from morning till now........
(...poor kid she dosn't know..her mom had already sacrificed her life for her...)
- - - - - for all those who lost their life starving for food
Its heart aching to think that some people starve to death.A touching poem here
A very humble write Sebastine, parents do sacrifice things for their children, no one should have to die of starvation today, its so sad, 10 Lynda xx
the stark reality palying havoc with millions well captured in these sensitive lines we need more people like you to enlighten and motivate the world
HUNGER is the worst thing in life. I support 6 children in foreign countries. In fact MUNNU in India - growing like a bean pole
a sad story well penned........we see it everyday on the streets......
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Such a beautiful, so meaningful narrative poetic theme...heartfelt in a way for it speaks about poverty especially in the third world countries...Keep writing for your composition is making a great sense to the world. a 10.