Sailing Poem by Nosheen Irfan


Rating: 5.0

Sailing as a shore-bound ship
Taking wind for a whip

We move and drift
Extravagant or spendthrift

On roads monotony licks
With to and fro kicks

Voice of reason muted
Roar of might saluted

Lies are our oars
Rowing us to shore

A mechanical motion we follow
Inside we are just hollow

Nosheen Irfan © 2017

Thursday, February 2, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: life,modern
Valsa George 02 February 2017

Truth is painful ! Without camouflage, you have pictured life in its ugly monotony and hollowness! As we become more modern, the futility and meaninglessness of life are felt more severely. Behind the facade of modern living, there is so much of unpalatable realities which we cover up with clever masks! This highly rhyming poem presents a life which has gone out of rhyme!

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Saadat Tahir 05 February 2017

lovely analysis dear valsa ji i couldn't agree more... thats the word...ugly monotony bravo nosheen its a very nice poem liked

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Edward Kofi Louis 05 May 2017

We move and drift! ! Thanks for sharing.

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Muhammad Ali 04 February 2017

I like this one very much. So we are sailing, it is right and we are not drowning

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Unnikrishnan E S 02 February 2017

Hi Nosheen, A very realistic interpretation of the present day state of our world. People are so hollow. So ignorant and may be averse to knowledge too, who just ..... move and drift They are Extravagant or spendthrift too. Nothing matters for them, for Voice of reason muted Roar of might saluted. And, Lies are our oars Rowing us to shore... but what shore? ? Great write. Profound and poignant. Philosophical, as Nosheen's poems tend to be.. A mighty 100+++

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Daniel Brick 02 February 2017

I was expecting a serene or stormy poem about actual sailing on waterways which I especially love reading about. But instead this is an allegory of seriously inadequate people - in literature they're called ANTI-HEROES - trying to cope with a complex world. The word HOLLOW reminds me of T. S. Eliot's HOLLOW MEN who cannot sustain their self image, and are too weak or unimaginative to have faith. Your characters seem to have some energy left but hardly enough to live a decent life. What's more they don't seem aware of how low they have sunk culturally and morally. They need a galvanizing experience. Something to shake their lethargy so they take charge of their existence. There's always HOPE for recovery or salvation, although THEY may have to be persuaded.

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Edmund Strolis 02 February 2017

Galley slaves with lies as oars, endlessly kicking to and fro. To me, at least. I do not count myself with these poor souls shackled by conformity. Mute to reason and easily swayed and kept in rhythm. For me at least I see the slavery to technology, group-think, emotion over reason, living monotonous lives laid out by any number of masters. Free will surrendered. Some people due to ignorance or a feeling of security are content to tug eternally at these oars, pretending to be individuals and to be the captains of their own ships and masters of their destination and destiny when in fact they expend their energy, going nowhere, never knowing that they could choose another course, beginning by thinking for themselves. Knowledge is power, surrender is slavery.

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Nosheen Irfan

Nosheen Irfan

Lahore, Pakistan
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