Satan's Arrival In Ukraine Poem by Richard Wlodarski

Satan's Arrival In Ukraine

Rating: 5.0

Satan has arrived in Ukraine
His evil presence there before
But now...a command performance
Dictates to Wagner's soldiers:
Kill every single one!
Absolutely no prisoners!
Your just reward...lots of money!

Greed...heartless conscience...prevail
China's prime minister wipes his hands clean
Wait...we've seen this somewhere in history
Can you remember...senior moment?
Oh the greatest book ever

His Holiness The Pope The Dalai Lama
The right hand to The Lord our creator
Are playing stupendously The Glass Bead Game
Both are revisiting Hesse's masterpiece
Contemplating...meditating peace

Friday, April 28, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: lessons of life
The war in Ukraine has taken a turn for the worst. Wagner has no conscience! He is a true servant of Satan!
M. Asim Nehal 29 April 2023

One cannot clap with one hand, it takes two to tango, world is divided over the issue, its all dirty politics. US, China and Russia are playing games and Ukraine is suffering, only time will unveil who did what. Thoughtful poem.

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2) Communism returned in the blink of an eye. Ukraine wants what her neighbour Poland had successfully achieved...DEMOCRACY. Putin and Satan want...World Domination!

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When The Cold War had ended, Russia started moving in the right direction. Then, this evil creature named Putin decided that he wanted to restore Russia to its 'former glory'.

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Kevin Patrick 28 April 2023

Satan has definitely put its foot in Ukraine or at least its spirit. The atrocities being committed are inexcusable and show only the worse of humanity. Thank you for this fine poem! May Wagner group burn for the they created

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2) Most definitely someone who has sold his soul to Satan. Always appreciate the time and effort that you put into writing your comments, Kevin!

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It's almost incomprehensible how Wagner and his evil kind could be allowed to function as a business. Nothing but a LEGALized form of MURDER!

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Terence Craddock 28 April 2023

Yes I believe Satan has been active in Ukraine for awhile, interesting the reference to Hermann Hesse, I read several of his novels including 'The Glass Bead Game', where I recall the rules of the game are not explained; another similarity to war in Ukraine.

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Hesse had totally despised Hitler...and would have despised Putin. Yes, Terence, there are a number of similarities. Thank you kindly for always responding with great commentary.

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