Scapegoats Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar


Of course they are prepared,
To blame him for their failures.
Although their failings began,
Long before he was born.

Scapegoats are becoming meager.
Very few of them are left.
And those knowing this...
Are scared to death.
They are running out of breath,
With excuses.
Or the defamation of someone's character,
To abuse as accustomed.

Creating conflicts and wars,
Has become passé.
Since it is blatantly obvious...
Those who start them,
Aren't on the battlefields.
Or on the receiving end...
When a love one dies.
And others who are innocent,
Pass away!

Scapegoats are becoming meager,
Everyday distractions are introduced to confuse.
One day it's about racism!
The next day...
The singing of 'Kum Bah Ya' by a group somewhere,
Makes headlines on the evening news!

'Isn't that an African-American Spiritual? '

They are on a 'high' right now!
Doing the best to blend voices.
Not the color of skin.
Leave them alone!
Let them sway to the melody.
It soon will end.

Scapegoats are doing their best,
To find a way to correct their mess.
And the concern of terrorists affecting their way of life...
Doesn't make sense!
Especially if the quality of it,
Has been initiated by homegrown conditions!
Increasing with a decadence within this density.

Definition of 'scapegoat' as defined by Merriam Webster's
Collegiate Dictionary (10th Edition)
'...a goat upon whose head are 'symbolically' placed
the sins of the people after which he is sent into the wilderness,
in the biblical ceremony for Yom Kippur.'

Yom Kippur (Day of atonement)
In Judaism, the most sacred holy day,
falling on the 10th day of the Jewish month of Tishri.
(usually late September or early October) . It is a day of fasting
and prayer for forgiveness for sins committed during the year.

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