At first I mistook you for my own shadow
under the shroud
Of the horizon, in a pale early morning, when
a burst of misty blue
Words -spilling out of your eyes-
made me wake up:
' Don't judge yourself —A judge can be
easily bought
And do not let anybody show you a glimpse
of the future
Or you will be blinded by '
Was it your mysterious advice and prophecy.
Unable to understand, I kept on
Climbing the thin air, with ritual persistence.
I went on this way, walking down the slope
of my life —Down
My predestined route —Unrelenting
Toward the exit.
Unaware of the existence of anything else
but your words.
Copyright © Fabrizio Frosini - All rights reserved
The photo reminds me of a painting by Leonardo Da Vinci. The words spoken by this unnamed person have had their effect on you, for sure. It is true that 'A judge can be/ easily bought'. I like your metaphor, ' walking down the / of my own life'. A memorable poem.
yes, Michael, you're right: it is a 'Female head study' by Leonardo da Vinci (it is at the Louvre Museum)
a beautiful poem with a deep meaning. and i have also learnt a new word, sesquipedalian))
I loved the quote, 'Dont judge yourself..., but is it borrowed or just part of the conversation?
no Afrooz, it is not ''borrowed''... they are my own words :) .. In my poems, I'm used to put in brackets what a ''third part'' (not the subject) tells.. thank you for your comment, Afrooz Ciao BTW, did your friends/relatives like the book?
I really do enjoy your work. You are a true craftsman. Keep on sharing
i have enjoyed very much your work! and from your beautiful poem i ha've also learned that sesquipedalia comes from Horace)) 2 lessons about literature))
I MISTOOK YOU FOR MY OWN SHADOW - What a brilliant openning line! But even to the poem's speaker it can mean a variety of things. It could suggest a shared identity. Or a shadow being without substance it could mean a false sense of shared identity. These are opposite views which creates a creative tension in me. THE SHROUD OF THE HORIZON brings in a word associated with death (and if you didn't intend that connection you would have written THE GARMENT OF etc.) . Then words spillout of the person's EYES, not their mouth, which startled me. Finally, that's when you woke up - I didn't realize you were asleep. These observations show how masterfully dense this stanza is (Dense to me is a positive word - ordinary speedch is lean, poetic speech is dense) .