Imagine Poem by Fabrizio Frosini


Rating: 4.9


Imagine how

Long was the night

And it broke into a day
Loaded with shadows — As deep
As open wounds
Under the rhythmic shifting of the wind

From the tree, forcibly confined
In the garden,
The leaves fell
One by one
Until –naked–
The branches were dull
Grayish-green skeletons.

Imagine how

Even emptier
Would the universe be

If the leaves
If the branches
If that tree

If you

Did not exist.


Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: human nature,life

This is the English version of my poem ''IMMAGINA'', from my ebook ''A CHISCIOTTE e altre poesie'' - ''TO QUIJOTE and other poems'' - published at AMAZON.

* A special 'THANK YOU' to Pamela Sinicrope, Poetess and Critic *

Michael Walker 08 July 2019

The universe would be an emptier place without the trees but also human consciousness of all these creations of nature. I recognize the idealist philosophy implied here.

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Fabrizio Frosini 16 July 2019

thank you, dear Michael. Hope you can submit an unpublished poem of yours for our next project! Ad maiora!

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Kim Barney 16 April 2019

A very fine poem. I especially like the image of the leafless tree and the comparison of the branches to grayish-green skeletons! Congratulations on an excellent work!

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Fabrizio Frosini 20 April 2019

it's very kind of you, Kim. Thank you so much: truly glad you liked the poem. HAPPY EASTER!

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Anzelyne Shideshe 11 February 2019

Superb piece made me get a picture of the universe and vice verse

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Fabrizio Frosini 21 February 2019

dear Anzy, you're the kindness made person. Thank you

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C F 09 January 2019

Today I found your poems, I will be reading more of them over the next couple of days. Thank you very much for having such a sharing soul.

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Fabrizio Frosini 09 January 2019

Hi Faustino, thank you so much for your kind words! I'm going to read your poetry too.

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Paola 14 November 2018

Caro sig. Frosini - ho trovato il Suo poeme per caso su internet (che tesoro che e` l'internet, vero?) perche' cercavo degli esempi di poesia italiana riguardo l'amore per i miei studenti di liceo. Che bellezza che c'e` nelle Sue parole! :) Le ringrazio di aver condiviso questo gioiello con il mondo.

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Fabrizio Frosini 17 November 2018

che bella sorpresa! La ringrazio molto, gentile professoressa, per il commento che ha avuto la bontà di scrivere. Se mi fa avere, tramite ''private message'', un Suo recapito email, Le invierò una copia del mio ebook ''A Chisciotte'' Grazie ancora. Cordiali saluti

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