Close thy eyes and be my ship of dreams
And we would sail across atlantis
Down to all of imaginations tales
We would sail beyond world's end
And see the days end
I'd gaze through thy window
And see thy desires
I'd see beyond the eclipse of thy ways
For thou art the chest
Were all my treasures rest
I'd wipe away thy tears
I, d take away thy fears
And i'd be thy captain
I'd bring thy enemies to the sword
Most solemly i'd keep my word
I'd stand like the sun
I'd never run
When thou art sinking
I'd take my last breath while I dream dreams
So be my ship of dreams
For like leaves through lakes
So art my ship of dreams.
Commendable resolution. I most sincerely appreciate your words, 'I'd wipe away thy tears I, d take away thy fears And i'd be thy captain I'd bring thy enemies to the sword Most solemly i'd keep my word'....Top score and to my favorite.
I liked the way you wish to embark on a journey with your dream and captain your ship. A brilliant write\.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
A well expressed poem embellished with nice rhyme, images and wonderful poetic expressions.