Men went happily to death
But they were not the men
Who marched
For years
Up to the line.
These rode a few times
And were gone
Leaving a heritage of obscene song.
An excellent short poem, but it has a down-going tune, not very happy sound.5 Stars for this Modern Poem Of The Day
Shock Troops Men went happily to death But they were not the men Who marched For years Up to the line. These rode a few times And were gone Leaving a heritage of obscene song. - In Italian: Truppe d'assalto Gli uomini sono andati felicemente incontro alla morte Ma non erano quelli Che marciarono Anno dopo anno Per andare in prima linea. Questi l'hanno fatto un paio di volte E sono scomparsi Lasciandosi dietro canti osceni.
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