Sufficient Poem by Seamus O' Brian


Rating: 5.0

my heart was carried alone
into this world walled off
by the malleable flesh
that would set into various
increasingly capacious versions
of me—walled off
from a particular species of love
which would both expel it
and receive it and in various
degrees of unresponsible innocence
and reasonable acts of omission
bear witness as
the rapiers of life plunged through
the negligibly defensible walls of flesh
to strike the beating core of myself
with sufficient force and frequency
to kill what I might have otherwise

Moses wriggling in his frail willow basket
found not by a princess but by the spears
of the guards who drew courage and strength
from the destruction of the weak and unfamiliar,
an infant birthed from the amnion of the Nile not as
a hero but as a miscarriage heaved to the shore.
But even as the laughter and derision folded
into the whispering chafe of the river-marching reeds,
the arms of the Nile gathered up the boy, and took
his child-wrapped heart back to her onyx-splayed depths.

Monuments rose, flood plains filled and receded, and
when the final shaft of the Archer fell, the blue lotus
flowered and a man emerged from the river's vault,
neither champion nor deliverer, just a simple man
endowed with the gift to navigate the currents
of heaven and hell, bestowed with the strength
and agility to walk the heights of Olympus;
carrying within a heart sufficiently pierced
to hear the whispers of God.

Monday, January 30, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Pamela Sinicrope 24 February 2017

Such great writing. I love the idea of the evolution of a man's heart told through the metaphor of a biblical story. Transformational. Very well done.

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Rebecca Navarre 12 February 2017

Wondrously Written! ! ! ! ! Powerfully Moving Description! ! ! ! ! Thank You For Sharing This! ! ! ! !

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Glen Kappy 11 February 2017

I started this poem anticipating something different than what I found. This to do with my own connections with the word and concept of sufficient. On the last lines, relating this to my own experience, continued piercings of grace have by degees turned my stony heart into a more fleshly one. But the experience I think of as the first where God communicated with me came unbidden (as these usually are) and with me in a still-unredeemed but ready (in my desperation) state. Perhaps like Moses' at the burning bush? Are your own experiences different? I'd be interested to hear. For my poems related to Scripture in an ekphrastic sense, see, if you are so inclined, He Sang and Huge. The blessings of earth and heaven be yours! Glen

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Annette Aitken 31 January 2017

Hi Seamus I feel that this one is in two parts, the first part of love and the heart, and the second the story of moses which is told in a beautiful way, my head brings me back to the film of moses, which allows me a front row seat, when reading this. nicely done. Annette ;)

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Seamus O' Brian

Seamus O' Brian

Galway, Ireland
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