Sunday Morn Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

Sunday Morn

Rating: 5.0

Sunday Morn

i watch you while you sleep, baby
you are everything i have wished for,

i've told you countless times
while you're awake
or while you're asleep, baby

i know i said it
countless times
until you get tired of my words

but still there's quality in my oral

no, i don't think you're tired of my words
on the contrary,
they still flatter you

i can see that in your face,
i can see that in the love of your eyes,
i can see that in the movement
as you walk towards me

i still love your covid-19 stories
and more

no, not in time of yore,
but now

every morn when we wake up
i am grateful to the Lord for that

i still love you so much
but you know
that i serve our God first,
and nearest to us
He is above
you know that too,
He is my greatest love….

© Sylvia Frances Chan - All Rights Reserved
AD. Sunday 0703--2021

Sunday Morn
Saturday, March 6, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: you,God,love,Him,gratitude,eternity
Kumarmani Mahakul 08 March 2021

God blesses everyday at early morning and at whole day time. For countless times you have said the truth. Great perception we have captured. Nice photo is designed as cover. This poem is very special.

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Maria Mitea 07 March 2021

Great writing, Sylvia! I enjoyed reading it this mourning!

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Kostas Lagos 07 March 2021

Marvelous poem! A beautiful Sunday morning

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Sylvia Frances Chan 06 March 2021

i love you as i love our God, my lifetime long, we belong to each other, this is real, no song, but a praisal to God and love declaration to you, baby! © Sylvia Frances Chan Sunday 0703--2021

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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