Each day she sits in a rolling chair
Constrained by straps to avert a spill
Not knowing who or where she is
Not knowing those who love her still
Not knowing if it’s cold outside
Or if the sun does shine this day
Not knowing, since that awful time
Her memory was rudely swept away
Her day is filled with dull routine
Of nurses, pills, food, soft and flat
She cannot eat, so must be fed
Alzheimer’s toll is truly sad
But once she was young and full of life
She loved to laugh and play and sing
Walk barefoot through the meadow grass
Ride horses, wade in quiet streams
She went for strolls down shady lanes
And talked with friends of girlish things
Of life and love and boys and goals
Her life was filled with hope and dreams
She loved the man who won her heart
She wept when death took him away
Now she longs for reunion sweet
And so, each day she sits and waits
©C R Clark 12/20/2008
A very sad and heart-dissolving poem. As a poet you are very successful to draw reader's attention towards this neurodegenerative disease in which people suffer with memory loss and confusion and they end in a tragedy........10/10
The saddest of sad conditions here versed for the reader in such pathos - - - - - Richard you have the poet's pen but - oh that you didn't need to write thus.....10 from Fay.
an artistic creation, so touching, thanks for sharing *10*
Hi CR, Poetry comes naturally to you. Syble seems to be an intimate portrait of a person for whom you feel intensely. You outpour your heart and weave emotions in perfect metrical lines that flow so well with rhyme, rhythm and music that it creates an aura of imaginative sympathy around the reader. The poem unfolds the two extreme moods of life from the perfect confident jubilance to the anguish of utter helplessness and carries an underlying message of Gita to stay equipoised in life lest too much attachment should lead to catastrophe. Anyway, that is how understand it. May be, I am not right. Regards, CP
To enjoy the beauty of nature under any condition. Nice work.
Such a sharp image this gives. I am whisked along her path to see what she sees and feel the reality as it slips away. Beautiful and potently expressed - Thank you for sharing this.
Your poignant poem paints a moving picture of an Alzheimer's victim. The verses are higly moving and filled with compassion
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Oh this poem certainly pulls at the heartstrings and tells the horrible truth of this horrendous disease. You made me feel as if I was in the room with her watching her, yes you brought me into the poem and that is a true sign of an excellent poet. This poem depicts great sadness yes, but penned very well.