The Bare Tree Poem by Yasmin Khan

The Bare Tree

Rating: 5.0

The Bare Tree

In the chill of night, I stand and gaze
My boughs bare stretch and sway in haze

The last fallen leaf still at my bole
Lies curled, heaving a sigh on Fate's scroll

The days are gone when I was leaf-clad
My splendor green, in a flowery fad

Songs sweet of woodland birds filled my heart
Mirth and pleasure deep, tunes of all sort

Straw by straw built their little nests
In my leafy lap hatched, stayed blessed

Leaves' dance, whispers low in gentle breeze
Singing birds, sweet hum of honey bees

When the sun showered his rays of gold
I was the crown of the forest old

Then came in autumn stealthily down
Foliage all lost, ripped off my crown

Boughs bare where birds once sweetly sang
A tangle of twigs, once blossoms hang

In chilly winds, my leafless arms
Longing for springtime all vanished charms

For dainty boughs bursting in blooms
For springtime choirs, glistening plumes

Yearning for grace of an evergreen
With her proudly crest a forest queen

I suffer the pain of death, decay
All verdure, leafage taken away

Yet melancholy does not prevail me
I wait for buds and blooms patiently

My heart be filled by delightful songs
Leaves' rustle, brilliant greens throng

Branches fraught, Unfurl their finery
Wave in skies blue, clad in greenery

Hope perches in my gloomy heart
Awaiting for springtime to play its part

The Bare Tree
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: nature love
Marvin Brato 30 December 2013

Great imaginary, emotional yet insightful sentiments!

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S.zaynab Kamoonpuri 17 November 2013

I havent read a better masterpiece personification of d tree.. Jasmine! How u say n mean, 'leafy lap for nestlings', wow creative! Im so impressd by dis poem i vote 10, ah but yor poem wil b d evergreen tree.

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Yasmin Khan 17 November 2013

Thanks, dear friend Zaynub.

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M Asim Nehal 12 October 2015

Heartfelt poem, neatly written in a descriptive style.....100 on 10.

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Yasmin Khan 15 April 2016

Thank you kindly, Asim Nehal

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Akhtar Jawad 13 September 2014

Yasmeen's high imagination, lovely description and perfect personification has created a marvelous work of art. i

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Yasmin Khan 15 April 2016

Thank you for your kind words.

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Ramesh Rai 01 January 2014

A beautiful descriptive write.

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Doris Cornago 30 December 2013

Yes, I agree totally, a fine written form, but already worn imagery. How about a refreshing insight on dying, anybody?

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Doris Cornago 30 December 2013

I totally agree. This is indeed a well written poem but already worn imagery. How about a new perspective on dying, anybody?

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