The Battles Within My Mind Poem by Craig Mize

The Battles Within My Mind

Rating: 5.0

They say that you can see a man's soul through his eyes, but what if they put up a camouflage. Their happiness and joy are designed to disguise the pain and sorrow built up inside.

With a smile on their face, they awaken to suffer through another day. Realizing that gloom and sorrow is just a cornor away. Hoping and praying that one day it would all go away.

Not being able to sleep in the nights stillness. Laying awake pondering the worlds ills. Lost in your own mental wilderness. Battling the thoughts in your mind against your own will.

Just another day in this rotten place that I call home. Another night in this play called my life. Where nightmares are my reality, and joyful days are just a dream.

A dream that becomes a blur and vanishes with every blow of wind. You stare at the clock hoping that time will end. As tears begin to run down your cheek. You are becoming emotionally and physically weak.

There is no appetite to eat, no more tears to weep, not enough energy to sleep. Stress is now overpowering every cell in your body. But you have to keep smiling, keep moving on, keep acting strong.

But all along, you are feeling all alone. Trapped in a windowless prison inside your own brain. Wishing that things would change, but they remain the same. A nightmare that no one can see, but me.

Thursday, June 1, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: mental illness,mind,nightmares,stress
Jazib Kamalvi 02 June 2017

A sublime poetic conflict. You may like to read my poem, Poetic Sense-1. Thanks

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Craig Mize

Craig Mize

gainesville GA
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