The Heart Crying Out Poem by Richard Wlodarski

The Heart Crying Out

Rating: 5.0

My heart cries out
For all children
Abused so much
Over over
Soldiers willing
To die for peace
People willing to
Die for some great cause
Love fighting
For death's sake

Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: abused,cause,heart song,love and life
Emmanuel Series
Terry Craddock 08 October 2020

'My heart cries out For all children' we all should feel this, then enjoy living in a better world, helping those the heart goes out go ensures better lives

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Deluke Muwanigwa 07 October 2020

Me too. Child abuse is a permanent scar

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Leeann Azzopardi 07 October 2020

Very true, but remember the children didn't decide the war! Bravo! Bravo!

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Terry Craddock 12 October 2020

I wrote the split image 'War As Extended Diplomacy', and the poem 'Civilians Children Die In Modern Wars' inspired by the poem 'The Heart Crying Out' by the poet Richard Wlodarski and dedicated to Richard Wlodarski.

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Terry Craddock 12 October 2020

Hero Worshipping Humanitarian Workers perhaps evolved human decency is not hero worshipping soldiers with parades to enlist more recruits perhaps evolved human decency is hero worshipping humanitarian workers hero worshipping the true peace makers instead of killing civilians and children instead of killing humanitarian workers instead of killing sacred peace makers Dedicated to the poet Richard Wlodarski.

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Terry Craddock 12 October 2020

When The Heart Cries civilians children die in modern wars die in greater numbers than soldiers die of thirst hunger disease exposure die of bullets bombs flesh eating napalm I cry for their extreme burned scared flesh I cry for blown apart innocence missing limbs we should all feel this then enjoy living in peace a better world helping those the heart cries screams goes out to to ensures better lives Dedicated to the poet Richard Wlodarski.

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Terry Craddock 12 October 2020

Stand Up Lovers Of Peace stand up who are the lovers of peace some are aid humanitarian workers they train for peace suffer die for peace heroes of peace do not kill with guns heroes of peace heal feed the hungry masters of war target kill peace makers Inspired by the poem 'The Heart Crying Out' by the poet Richard Wlodarski. Dedicated to the poet Richard Wlodarski.

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Terry Craddock 12 October 2020

War Is The Status Quo countries pride themselves upon armed build up military might power flexed muscles their armies size training technology ability to kill with extreme precision to strike attack anywhere in the world war is decisive power politics killer blows naked aggression policies to defend trade status quo war is ultimate decisive blow brute naked aggression blow in global political diplomacy Dedicated to the poet Richard Wlodarski.

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