The Honest Slave Poem by Subhas Chandra Chakra

The Honest Slave

Rating: 5.0

From dawn to dusk
I work for you,

From dusk to dawn
I think for you,

When do I think of them
who are born of me
not through you?

You pay me for
What and how I work
For you and your gains.

I never blame the Sun
In the noon for it's hot
Nor to the rains.

Althrough the night
My nerves tense for
What the work next lay,

From home to office
I run for you, you call
Be it night or day.

You made me forget Sir
What my children want,
What a spouse needs.

You made me an ant small
To carry fifty times loads,
With your large heart, words.

We shall remain low,
Narrow and rustic minds,
Small and smart slaves,

Till you are so great
Rich and smiling cats,
care us such, we braves.

Friday, December 8, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: job,slave,slavery,social
Rose Marie Juan-austin 08 December 2017

A beautifully crafted write and powerful poem. It captures the relationship between an employer and employee and the wide gap between the rich and the poor...10

3 0 Reply
Subhas Chandra Chakra 10 December 2017

Thanks Rose for the great remark. Feel obliged to have your attention and gracious evaluation.

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Chris Embrick 14 December 2017

It seems that we are always slaves to something. So much of our lives revolve around pleasing others. Before retirement, I had at least five supervisors. I did my did my best to satisfy their foolish demands and just stay away from them. But alas, even slaves can be somewhat happy. Be blessed dear poet.

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Subhas Chandra Chakra 14 December 2017

Thank you Sir for your kind reading, frank and warm sharing, and these words of inspiration and graciousness. I feel obliged.

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Nosheen Irfan 10 December 2017

Indeed that's what our lives are. Daily struggles of life encompassed artfully in this gem of a piece. No less than 10.

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Subhas Chandra Chakra 10 December 2017

Thanks Mam for the inspiration and the great remarks on the poem.

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Alina Kaikeyi 09 December 2017

You have made a difference, a superb creation. A very nicely crafted social poem describing the class struggle and the huge differences 10+++++ Alina

1 0 Reply
Prativa Rani 09 December 2017

You made me an ant small To carry fifty times loads, With your large heart, words. A very nicely crafted social poem describing the class struggle and the huge differences Well done Sir. 10++ Rani

2 0 Reply
Prativa Rani 09 December 2017

You made me an ant small To carry fifty times loads, With your large heart, words. A very nicely crafted social poem describing the class struggle and the huge differences Well done Sir.

2 0 Reply
Subhas Chandra Chakra

Subhas Chandra Chakra

Sainkul, Anandapur, Odisha, India
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