The Hypnotic Induction Poem by Herbert Nehrlich

The Hypnotic Induction

Rating: 2.6

...and as the fragrance
of the pussylillies begins....
to intoxicate you, warming.....
as it does, your nostrils......
relaxing your cheekbones,
your face..................
spreading its vigilance
to your ears,
placating the air that has risen
off the stapes......
catching on your hair,
fading.......... and going deeper,
down into the green
of purple valley,
a lullaby of heather
and bracken,
in the meadow..........
where the trout has come
to rest for just a few short and crucial ones......
down he goes,
flapping his wings like tentacles
that now slowly, gracefully
envelope your body,
caressing it....
keeping it safe,
while you take another step down,
and another,
and one more.....
toward the welcome of white sand....
and the soothing sound of the surf,
seagulls, looking like rainbow trouts
stretch their wings to the horizon,
creating a trance of colours......... violet.......
and you are resting now,
sweet dreams supporting you
as fluffy clouds.........
swaying silently as your feet,
your naked toes let go, finally,
of the sand and its symbols............
you are gone now,
so far beyond all dangers and uncertainties,
you are safe.....very safe, silent......
and you are asleep
in the great featherbed
of the universal intelligence,
of the room beyond the green door,
where it awaits your presence.......
and to which your mind has the invisible key........
and your breathing is now perfect,
slow and peaceful,
your heartbeat has taken on
a new rhythm, one of melodious tapping....
like a woodpecker from Heaven,
every muscle in your body
is so relaxed, so peaceful,
and you are stretching internally,
while resting sooo comfortably,
there is no sound.........
there is only the silence
of your soul, which,
like the precious lamb from God
enjoys its own softness,
its lanolin of truth,
and you have arrived
where others cannot go,
have not been.......
you are there,
at the threshold
of your identity,
you see the eye
of the pupil's centre
where it is only you that passes
through the eye,
as if it were a needle
made just for you,
with its smooth edges,
its shiny welcome and
its stitches of reason,
yes, you have indeed come
in due time and
with rational deliberation
to your home away from home,
to your destiny.......
and you have now taken,
accepted the invitation
to become suspended in time...
and in space.....
and for as long as it takes
to accomplish
what you need to do,
you will stay there,
beyond the green door......
until such time as it may take
to be free of what you have felt,
as it pulled, like a team of oxen,
or a nasty crosswind
and threatened to take you away,
for its own sinister purposes....
yes, you have left all negativity behind,
your own and that of others.....
and now, as you become aware of
a certain sensation, a signal
from the kingdom of magic....
you realise with the utmost certainty,
with the happiness of conviction,
that it is h a p p e n i n g.........
N O W......and you are resting,
beyond... the green door,
safe.......alone with your destiny...
to emerge as master....
of life, of YOUR life which has,
as you are feeling now,
inside your heart,
which has only just begun......
And when you have,
in your own good and precious,
god-given time,
completed the task, the one
that has become the essence of you
and your soul, it will be your spirit,
like a bird freed from its cage,
that shall re-awaken you,
and you will start conversing,
with me, who has been watching
over you and the other I,
and you shall be happy and relaxed,
refreshed through your sleep and ready
to announce to all
that it has been one great mission.....
Worth the effort,
time well spent
and the key to yourself.

kskdnj sajn 12 February 2006

Very relaxing read Herbert, and well crafted, almost had me believing... (or maybe I was, and now just woke up) :) Was actually thinking of the benefits of hypnosis to my mental health a few months ago lol, and pondering the date to take it on! Thanks for sharing. Angie

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Jerry Hughes 12 February 2006

Although I'm not into legthy prose I found this intriguing, Herbert. Well done indeed.

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Herbert Nehrlich1 12 February 2006

Actually, Gypsy, this is an induction I made up as I went during a therapeutic hypnosis session, I tape all of those and it takes a shallow trance in myself to know how to proceed. This one is very effective and was used on the sister of a university's vice chancellor. Best H

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Scarborough Gypsy 12 February 2006

Wow Weeeeeeeeeee! Just got up having semi recovered from a migraine and read this, which was marvelous and just the ticket. Wouldn't mind having this read to me while I lay down with my eyes shut. Gyp's

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