The Magical Hours Poem by Ruta Mohapatra

The Magical Hours

Rating: 5.0

Why is the setting sun so breathtakingly beautiful?
Because it is going to take rest after a busy day,
And it has earned that rest?
And why is the earth so beautiful at dawn and dusk?
Because each beginning and each end is wonderful,
And that is how things have been ordered?

The thought that the sun will still be rising
And that the sun will still be setting
Long after I am gone
And the earth will still be full of flowers
Witnessing these two magical hours
Brings comfort to my soul!

Friday, February 18, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: nature,life,death
Nabakishore Dash 19 February 2022

Beautifully narrated poem.

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Dr. M. Asim Nehal 19 February 2022

Excellent poem with perfect logic for sun to entice one and all.5*****

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Jayne Davies 18 February 2022

So lovely x Five stars.

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Unnikrishnan E S 18 February 2022

A truly "Magical " poem. Loved it

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Unnikrishnan E S 18 February 2022

Wow! This is real poetry. We find hundreds of poems on Sunrise and Sunset, on PoemHunter. But, this one gives it different treatment. Loved it. Most beautifully done. Top score, dear poet

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