The Man Without A Name Poem by Kelly Vinal

The Man Without A Name

Rating: 4.2

Deep within the chasm,
Lives the man without a name -
He’s come to represent
The secrets hidden in -
And so we, do we castigate
Those things not understood,
In culture and in worship,
In ideals and shades of skin

This society

Is it not hypocrisy
To cast as demons, if but only for
Subjective sin and character
Unlike our own -
If only I could exorcise
My coded prejudice, my DNA,
And pave a plane of equity
For our homogenous affinity -
And I would be the first
To grasp your outstretched hand, my friend,
To seal the man without a name -
To heal the man within.

Nimal Dunuhinga 22 August 2006

Excellent Kelly! I do believe man's common name is man who seeks so many things and explore but the given explosive lifetime is not fair when you are comparing with a tortoise?

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Jerry Hughes 18 September 2005

Kelly, in loose vernacular, 'yer dun gud'. Excellent mate.

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David Gerardino 10 July 2005

I think at one point or another in a persons life, we forget our name, , , , , kinda like the bible, some thing about a white stone, or put the childhood behind, any way i like the poem...............

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Lenchen Elf 13 December 2004

interesting examination of personal and societal social constructs: -)

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Herbert Nehrlich1 13 December 2004

Perfect, Kelly. Thank you. H

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Kelly Vinal

Kelly Vinal

Homestead, Florida
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