The Myth Of Meaning Poem by Mihaela Pirjol

The Myth Of Meaning

Rating: 4.8

We are reverberating in the atmosphere,
The non-acoustic DNA-song of our ancestors: —
We perpetuate the Myth of Meaning!
We consecrate the flesh and bone;
We fall in love with the abnegation
When we fall in love: in effervescent blood,
With ecstatic eyes, in euphoric dreams;
We tremble for Eternity in Ephemerality: —
We are starving for Life, and we eat it
Like daft gourmands—never saturating themselves!
We are human beings, distinguished from the beasts;
We live to believe we know what Life is:
O, but how little we know!
Nature! —Nature dissipates your worries:
It reduces you to itself—to yourself!
This animal Earth's gravitation drags you,
And slowly, prepares you for your grave!
But your obstinate spirit soars—soars
Into delusions! —perspires in this illusion of reality
Which beautifies the living; it hopes to create
Out of the grave: —it is obsessed with itself!
It seeks eternal survival out of dust:
Dust unto dust—that is all that is!
Rock and Water—that is all! —There is no panacea!
There is no other Planet for humans: —Save it!
Life, —a constant incompleteness,
A terrible desperation, an incommensurable sadness:
An insupportable truth—the truth of Humanity!

Thursday, October 18, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: human condition,life and death,philosophy
Rose Marie Juan-austin 18 October 2018

A powerful and wonderful write on life. death and nature. It expresses in beautiful detail the relationship between Mother Nature and human.beings An.expression of grief on the.weaknesses of people. Beautifully crafted and well executed write.10++ and on to my Poem List.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 18 October 2018

Life, —a constant incompleteness, A terrible desperation, an incommensurable sadness: An insupportable truth—the truth of Humanity! Brilliantly expressed! A pragmatic write...10

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