The Rain And My New Born Baby Daughter Poem by Nikhil Parekh

The Rain And My New Born Baby Daughter

The rain was uninhibitedly untamed; and so was my new born baby daughter;
kicking left; right and center; in her diminutively blessed cradle,

The rain was Omnipotently pristine; and so was my new born baby daughter;
mischievously tossing in unadulterated joy on the tufts of majestic green grass galore,

The rain was magically mitigating; and so was my new born baby daughter; miraculously ameliorating me of my most horrific despair; with her innocuously fluttering eyelashes,

The rain was eternally liberating; and so was my new born baby daughter; naughtily smiling amidst her spectrum of teddy bears; as if there was not even the most infinitesimal trace of tension on this fathomless Universe,

The rain was perennially fructifying; and so was my new born baby daughter;
perpetually proliferating into unparalleled festoons of happiness; every unfurling minute of inscrutable existence,

The rain was unbelievably colorful; and so was my new born baby daughter; unfurling into the infinite shades of mystically emollient life; every time she alighted
her pristinely nimble foot,

The rain was timelessly life-yielding; and so was my new born baby daughter; perpetuating a paradise of unsurpassably undefeated newness; in every direction that she cast her immaculately dancing sight,

The rain was pricelessly inimitable; and so was my new born baby daughter;
unconquerably enamoring even the most farthest quarter of heaven; with the twinkle in her rhapsodically infallible eyes,

The rain was the ultimate gift of the heavens; and so was my new born baby daughter; whose cries of stupendously charismatic freshness; spawned a civilization of boundless beauty; till times beyond infinite infinity,

The rain was the most virile cistern of optimism; and so was my new born baby daughter; unprecedentedly subliming even the most cadaverously deadened corpses; with her unflinchingly raw energy to exist,

The rain was brilliantly unfettered; and so was my new born baby daughter;
expressing the innermost feeling of her heart till the ultimate pinnacle of the sky; whilst the salaciously manipulative planet moaned and miserably groaned outside,

The rain was Omnisciently blessing; and so was my new born baby daughter; altruistically wishing the greatest of success even for the most treacherously ribald of her foes; wholesomely oblivious to the sanctimonious varsities of this corrupted planet,

The rain was unassailably fragrant; and so was my new born baby daughter; metamorphosing even the most capricious iota of evil into a sky of unshakably peerless truth; with the divine righteousness in her tiny soul,

The rain was eclectically artistic; and so was my new born baby daughter; weaving a cosmos of unparalleled beauty; with the egalitarian compassion in her eyes for every caste; creed; race; color and tribe,

The rain was timelessly victorious; and so was my new born baby daughter;
forever winning the hearts of every conceivable entity on this unceasing planet; with her impregnably selfless love for all living kind,

The rain was ubiquitously a superstar; and so was my new born baby daughter;
transcending every boundary of worthless discrimination; to tirelessly exult in the profoundly unstoppable glory of panoramic creation,

The rain was fearlessly intrepid; and so was my new born baby daughter; poignantly exploring every exhilarating path of life; interminably following nothing else but the inner most voices of her benign heart,

The rain was universally amiable; and so was my new born baby daughter; compassionately coalescing with any entity around her venerated visage; who
gave her a gregarious smile,

And the rain was insuperably Immortal; and so was my new born baby daughter;
disseminating only the beats of love; love and Immortally princely love; every time her godly heart throbbed in her tiny chest.

Monday, March 14, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: daughter,nice,poetry,rain
Nikhil Parekh

Nikhil Parekh

Dehradun, India
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